Musik / opera

Cavalleria rusticana (italiensk)

Anmeldelser (15)

MusicWeb international

2020 July



Michael Cookson

2020 July

"Under Marek Janowski this new Dresden release is well performed but adopts a rather safe path. In the face of such fierce competition from a number of illustrious recordings, all performed with electrifying results, this Janowski account does not pack sufficient emotional punch".

MusicWeb international

2020 May



Margarida Mota-Bull

2020 May

"The present Pentatone recording of Cavalleria rusticana is outstanding. Conducted by Polish-German maestro Marek Janowski ... this is to my mind one of the best renditions of Mascagni's opera that I have ever heard ... American soprano, Melody Moore, sings Santuzza. She has a rich, velvety involving tone with impressive dramatic expression, excellent technique and a powerful voice ... The MDR Leipzig Radio Choir is extraordinary throughout. The voices soar with power and beauty above the orchestra and ... Marek Janowski leads the Dresdner Philharmonie in a superb account of Mascagni's music, highlighting the drama and sustaining the voices with clarity ... I enjoyed this recording of Mascagni's Cavalleria rusticana immensely".


d. 14. feb. 2007



John Christiansen

d. 14. feb. 2007


d. 4. jan. 2011



John Christiansen

d. 4. jan. 2011

"Årets operaudgivelse er opførelsen af Mascagnis "Cavalleria rusticana" i anledning af brylluppet mellem prinsesse Margrethe og grev Henri de Laborde de Monpezat i 1967. Den udgives som en hyldest til en af de fineste danske tenorer, Willy Hartmann ... Hans stemme var let, elegant og smuk også op til det høje C ... Sammen med Hartmann debuterede i 1962 Lone Koppel ... Her synger hun med fin dramatisk sans Santuzza".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2011) 29. årgang nr. 4



Henrik Marcussen

(2011) 29. årgang nr. 4

"Udgivelsen lægger vægt på, at valget står som præsentation af Willy Hartmann, der var en af vore fineste tenorstemmer i det lyrisk-heroiske repertoire ... Der er storartede indsatser fra sangerholdet og et markant højt gearet spil fra orkestret ... Et fint minde om en flot aften og en værdig præsentation af en stor sanger".


2020 septembre



Didier van Moere

2020 septembre

BBC music magazine

2020 September



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2020 September

"This new version of Mascagni's one-act wonder is everything that verismo should be: intense, passionate and heart-stopping as it reaches its grisly climax ... [Janowski] transforms what is often a lumbering warhorse into a Wagnerian thoroughbred ... And his orchestra rewards him with some sumptuous playing ... The youngish cast is on point too. Melody Moore's Santuzza has a smoky quality in her lower register hinting at the incomparable Leontyne Price".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2013) 31. årgang nr. 4



Henrik Marcussen

(2013) 31. årgang nr. 4

"Forestillingen fik en lang levetid og gik over i historien som et af München-operaens klenodier. Og den holder sig her og nu rigtig fint gengivet på cd ... Med et stærkt dramatisk nærvær og et ypperligt, medrivende arbejde fra orkestergraven ... Sangligt er opførelsen på højeste ensembleniveau ... En sammenligning med studieoptagelsen fra 1970 på EMI af de samme to operaer ... god som den eller er, falder klart ud til fordel for denne live-optagelse fra München, begrundet i spontanitet, intenst nærvær og de overraskende dristige, men rigtigt fornyende rolleplaceringer".

International record review

2014 March



John T. Hughes

2014 March

"The performance is powerfully committed, with Hartmann at full voice ... Lone Koppel makes a good showing as Santuzza ... Alf Anderson ... his baritone bearing an inward snarl that suits the character ... Bringing the full effect of verismo from orchestra and chorus is Johan Hye-Knudsen".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2002) 20. årgang nr. 6


(2002) 20. årgang nr. 6

The gramophone

2020 August



Hugo Shirley

2020 August

"Though [Janowski] directs an enjoyable, unfailingly musical account of the work, he hardly gets down and dirty with this prototypical verismo score ... Janowski is best at capturing the score's gentle rusticity, as well its moments of sadness ... Melody Moore's Santuzza is the finest: it's a sympathetic characterisation and she sings generously and grandly, with plenty of rich, vibrant tone, even if I would like to hear more legato in her phrasing ... The other roles are well taken ... But as a whole, this 'Cav', though often appealing and affecting, isn't wholly convincing".


d. 14. mar. 2000


d. 14. mar. 2000

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