Musik / klassiske symfonier

Dante symphony

Anmeldelser (12)





Blair Sanderson


"Martin Haselböck and the Orchester Wiener Akademie present the symphonic poems Les Préludes, Orpheus, and the Berg-Symphonie in period style, much as Franz Liszt would have conducted them in the mid-19th century ... Haselböck is authoritative in his direction, and his scholarship undoubtedly reinforces the authenticity of the performances. NCA's sound is open and resonant, and the wide audio range is impressive".

Presto classical

d. 24. jan. 2020



James Longstaffe

d. 24. jan. 2020

"Recording of the week: Given the provenance of the orchestra, it is appropriate that all three pieces here were written whilst Liszt was living in Weimar ... As pieces written for gala processions of artists go, I must say I found [the Künstlerfestzug] surprisingly interesting: it opens pretty much as expected, with crashing chords and brass fanfares, but I was pleased that Karabits keeps it light enough that it never tips over into tedious pomposity".

BBC music magazine

2009 June



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2009 June

"But although Noseda, unlike Barenboim, respects Liszt's request for a solo soprano, Gillian Keith is rather below her best form. Noseda also cuts short a couple of important rests before bass clarinet recitatives in the first movement".

Fono Forum

2020 April



Johannes Schmitz

2020 April

"CDs des Monats: Kirill Karabits stellt infernalische Schrecken, verklärte Paradies-Hoffnung, die Leidenschaft der Francesca-da-Rimini-Episode und vieles mehr in diesem vielfarbigen Panorama gleich intensiv, mit geradezu greifbarer Plastizität dar. Mithilfe der sehr guten Tontechnik führt er Liszt ... als Klangzauberer vor, stellt herrliche Orchesterfarben, eine leuchtende, diaphane Textur in den Vordergrund, gibt klarer, pointierter Diktion den Vorzug vor dickem Pathos".

BBC music magazine

2020 April



Jessica Duchen

2020 April

"Franz Liszt's orchestral works are not the most subtle creations in the world ... However, if you are curious about these under-recognised pieces and fancy plunging into some febrile mid-19th-century sensibility, this disc is a good place to start ... Karabits and the Staatskapelle offer powerful and well-balanced accounts, taking the works on their own terms and drawing out the best they have to offer ... In the Symphony's Magnificat, the two choruses step aboard and soar, as if a natural part of the orchestra. Recorded sound is warm and pleasing".

The gramophone

2011 August



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2011 August

"An auspicious start, then, to what should prove an important new series, a valid overview and an interesting alternative to the more weighted, modern-instrument options provides by the likes of Masur, Haitink, Karajan".

Berlingske tidende

d. 17. feb. 2004


d. 17. feb. 2004

The gramophone

2009 August



Bryce Morrison

2009 August

"Once again in this superb series Noseda and the BBC Philharmonic erase all possible bombast and inflated rhetoric in performances of a special refinement and romantic fervour ... Chandos has donce the orchestra and conductor proud in a recorded sound of a special brilliance and transparency".

International record review

2009 July/August



Patrick Rucker

2009 July/August

"This is a worthy conclusion to an unquestionably significant and timely project. Beyond its appeal to Lisztians and students of Romanticism, Volume 5 of the Symphonic Poems will afford tremendous pleasure to lovers of fine orchestral playing. Most highly recommended".


d. 13. apr. 1999


d. 13. apr. 1999


2020 avril



Hugues Mousseau

2020 avril

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2020 April



Tim Ashley

2020 April

"Avoiding stodgy solemnity and keeping it light on its feet, Karabits propels it forwards with graceful urgency, and brings terrific energy to the final peroration, where the playing is vituoso and the Weimar brass, excellent throughout, sound splendidly gleaming and triumphant [Künstlerfestzug]. With its companion pieces we are on more familiar ground ... The Künstlerfestzug makes the disc essential listening for Lisztians".