Musik / solosang

Ferne Geliebte

Anmeldelser (5)


2012, nr. 27



Andrew Mellor

2012, nr. 27

"Denne cd er ikke Gerhahers sædvanlige rige bronze, som her er temmelig flad og grå. Hvad der redder cd'en, er det optimistiske skær i Haydns 'Das Leben ist ein Traum' og Beethovens 'Adelaide'".


2012 septembre



Hélène Cao

2012 septembre

"Un dialogue captivant entre la Vienne de Haydn, Beethoven, Schönberg et Berg ... Gerhaher privilégie la noblesse du ton, l'élégance de la ligne ... entre classicisme et expressionnisme".

BBC music magazine

2012 September



Hilary Finch

2012 September

"Christian Gerhaher, typically, finds his own searching way through the relationships of Viennese composers across the centuries in a recital of rare and compelling musical intelligence and integrity of response ... There is also the sheer delight of Gerhaher's superbly cultivated baritone, and his outstanding artistry. If ever art concealed art, it is here".

The gramophone

2012 October



Richard Fairman

2012 October

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "Each disc by Christian Gerhaher and his accompanist, Gerold Huber, is a keenly awaited event ... It is a selection of works in which Gerhaher seeks to widen our perception of him, not only as a interpreter but also as a singer technically ... Gerhaher is marvellously eloquent in them, as he is througout".

International record review

2012 September



Roger Pines

2012 September

"I find his [Gerhaher] recordings of his native song repertoire very satisfying. Born in 1969, Gerhaher is now cleary at the peak of his career, as regards his ability to align beauty of sound to remakably sincere and unfussy delivery of text ... The whole of the programme is presented with consistently elegant and thoughtful artistry ... Highly recommended".