Musik / operaarier

Romantische Arien

Anmeldelser (6)

The guardian

d. 29. nov. 2012



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 29. nov. 2012

"Gerhaher invests such music with the same exquisite rendering of every expressive nuance that make him the greatest Lieder singer of our time. The standard is set by the first Tannhäuser aria, which opens the disc - in everything that follows ... His singing never loses its tonal beauty or any of its musical poise".

Fono Forum

2013 Januar



Gerhard Persché

2013 Januar

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Seine hervorragende Technik gestattet ihm eine wunderbar geschmeidige und flüssige Phrasenbildung in allen dynamischen Schattierungen, wobei er die Konsonanten auf der Luft so einbindet, dass Gesanglinien von schönem Ebenmass enstehen".

BBC music magazine

2013 March



Hilary Finch

2013 March

"Vurdering: BBC music opera choice" - "Gerhaher's Wolfram has followers travelling all over Europe in its wake, so uniquely moving, honest and profound is his response to Wagner's role ... [These arias] display that simple integrity of an artist who conceals a great deal of art. A sense of wide-eyed innocence is incarnate in Gerhaher's delectable enunciation and perfection of phrasing and technique ... superbly supported by Daniel Harting conducting the Bavarian Radios Symphony Orchestra ... Absolutely essential listening".

International record review

2013 February



Roger Pines

2013 February

"Christian Gerhaher's Lieder recordings have all been superb, but his first operatic CD proves somewhat disappointing despite the decidedly off-the-beaten-track programme ... Seldom does Harding's conductiong provide the strenght to support the singer appropriately. The recorded sound is admirable ... Despite the vocal velvet, one wants more variety of colour and weightier tone from much of Gerhaher's singing".

The gramophone

2013 March



Mike Ashman

2013 March

"All are in Gerhaher's best style, immaculately phrased and breathed, with considerable thought given to the text which is then fully characterised without mannerism .... Not a programme to be played in one go ... but a great source for dipping into the history of this period".


2013 fevrier



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2013 fevrier

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".