Musik / kor


Anmeldelser (30)

The guardian

d. 23. feb. 2017



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 23. feb. 2017

"Vänskä now revisits Sibelius's first exercise in large-scale symphonic form ... Tempi are more or less the same as before, though perhaps instrumental detail is highlighted more obviously this time; whether that's down to Vänskä's conducting or to the balance of the recording is hard to say".

2019 July



Ateş Orga

2019 July

"Dausgaard is not a man to dwell unduly ... Taking the bait, the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, big as always on brass and percussion, respond to any detail and every intention. Dausgaard brings plenty to the table. The rhythmic bite and string articulation ... generates febrile electricity and tautness from the onset, the tutti climaxes attacked powerfully, the voicing of sound-print chords and solos keenly judged. ... With Dausgaard at the helm, a creative, thinking, energised music-maker, might we hope for Hyperion to pursue more of the Sibelius canon?".

The guardian

d. 27. juni 2019



Erica Jeal

d. 27. juni 2019

"The players are in prime storytelling mode, painting in dark but clear colours, conjuring up the landscapes of the Kalevala, the Finnish national epic. Dausgaard has the measure of this music, with its slow, tick-tocking, inextinguishable pulse, its sense of fast movement against vast immobility: a bird skimming low across a Nordic lake. There's a crackle of excitement every time he shifts up a gear and the orchestral cogs find their groove ... Helena Juntunen sings the sister with poise and bite, and while Benjamin Appl may not be the kind of gravelly baritone you might expect for Kullervo, his lieder-singer's control serves him well ... The only drawback is that the Lund Male Chorus could do with more heft, though they are lively storytellers".

Klassik heute

d. 2. okt. 2019



Ekkehard Pluta

d. 2. okt. 2019

"Hannu Lintu inszeniert mit dem Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra ein imposantes Breitwand-Klanggemälde, ohne dabei die feinen instrumentalen Details zu vergessen. Kullervo und seine Schwester, die den zentralen dritten Satz bestreiten, sind mit einem originalen Geschwisterpaar besetzt: Johanna Rusanen ... besitzt ... noch jugendliche Ausstrahlung, auch wenn die Stimme deutlich das hochdramatische Fach erkennen lässt, das sie heute singt. Ville Rusanen klingt mit seinem hellen, sehr kernigen, ein wenig an Jorma Hynninen erinnernden Bariton deutlich lyrischer. Die beiden Männerchöre erzielen starke Wirkung in ihren erzählerischen Kommentaren im 3. und 5. Satz".

MusicWeb international

2017 March



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2017 March

"Recording of the month: This set contains the finest recorded performance of Kullervo that I've ever heard and I hope those who doubt the importance of the work, despite its flaws, in our understanding of the evolution of Sibelius will be converted if they hear it. The BIS recording is magnificent".

MusicWeb international

2019 August



Paul Corfield Godfrey

2019 August

"This is a splendid new reading of a work that has generally been lucky on record, and a performance that sheds new light onto aspects of a piece that might have been in danger of becoming over-familiar ... Those who love this score - and I fell in love with it on first acquaintance - will welcome a new and imaginative interpretation".

MusicWeb international

2019 July



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2019 July

"Hyperion have given us a very fine version of Kullervo ... and, even though I have a slight reservation about the suitability of Benjamin Appl's voice, the singing and playing on display here is very fine indeed. Vänskä, a noted Sibelian, matches Dausgaard at almost every turn - it really is nip and tuck between them for most of the time. However, I prefer Dausgaard's way with the second movement. You won't go far wrong with this performance of Sibelius's early symphony".

MusicWeb international

2019 August



Jim Westhead

2019 August

"All in all, this is a most desirable new recording, and will satisfy most listeners who wish to become acquainted with Sibelius' early mastery of the large forces required".

MusicWeb international

2019 November



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2019 November

"This is a most impressive account of Kullervo. The work is not of comparable stature to the numbered symphonies or the finest of the tone poems - Sibelius was still moving towards mastery. But Kullervo shows that mastery was within his grasp. There's a great deal to admire in the work and its cause is helped enormously when it receives a performance that's as committed and expertly executed as this one. Yet again, Hannu Lintu confirms his Sibelian credentials".

MusicWeb international

2006 December



Rob Barnett

2006 December

"Spano clearly has his own ideas about Kullervo, a work that since the 1980s has been multiply recorded after decades of composer-sanctioned purdah ... Few have conveyed so well as Spano the arching tragedy of this work and the male chorus are magnificently idiomatic ... A triumph for all concerned".


d. 2. maj 2006



Thomas Michelsen

d. 2. maj 2006

"London Symphony og Colin Davis, det lyder godt, ikke? Men strygerne klinger fladt om kap med det skarpe messing i en tydeligt manipuleret liveoptagelse af Sibelius ungdommelige Kullervo- symfoni. Til gengæld kan man, trods den kiksede produktion, mærke suset fra en medrivende koncert på denne nytilføjelse til London Symphonys gør-det-selv-projekt af et plademærke kaldet LSO Live".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 2. juli 2008



Mikael Garnæs

d. 2. juli 2008

"Der findes en lang række fremragende indspilninger af det stærkt følelsesladede og dramatiske værk, men nu er der kommet en på markedet, der rager meget højt op i mængden ... med de to fremragende solister Tommi Hakala (Kullervo), der brillerer med sin polerede, og alligevel varme og intense malmrøst, og Soile Isokoski (hans søster), der synger med en både inciterende nerve og bedrøvelig, sorgfuld empati ... Med andre ord en virkelig hørbar udgivelse, hvor man finder stor ømhed i fortolkningen af et partitur, der strutter af vitaminer".


d. 7. mar. 2006



John Christiansen

d. 7. mar. 2006

"Davis er en stor Sibelius-dirigent ... Det er mytisk musik med dramatisk kraft og fortællende følsomhed. Anbefales".


2017 octobre



Christophe Huss

2017 octobre

BBC music magazine

2017 July



Michael Scott Rohan

2017 July

"Osmo Vänska's Sibelius ... has always been distinguished by detail, rhythmic precision and poetic luminosity ... This new live recording is better throughout, gaining perhaps from more extrovert Minnesota playing, with the YL choir ..., excellent if slightly mature soloists and SACD sound".

Fono Forum

2021 April



Gerald Felber

2021 April

"Schwelgerisches geht der düsteren Legende bei Vänskä ebenso ab wie überzogene Aufregungen, nicht aber der epische Atem dieser Musik, die hier quasi objektiviert erscheint: in den arkaisch rauen, blockigen Chorklängen ebenso wie in den herb schmerzlichen Düsternissen der Solopassagen. Schwer zu knacken, aber lohnend".

Fono Forum

2008 Juli



Werner Pfister

2008 Juli

"Die vorliegende Aufnahme aus Helsinki setzt solche Stimmungen wunderbar in Klänge um und zeugt von einer ausserordentlichen Einfühlung in die Eigenart dieser Musik. Die rein finnische Besetzung garantiert Authentizität".

BBC music magazine

2008 July



Michael Scott Rohan

2008 July

"That fire remains an essential element in any good performance, and happily this one burns well ... But Segerstam's more poetic, even reflective reading is a compelling alternative".

BBC music magazine

2019 September



David Nice

2019 September

"Every unorthodox texture, ostinato and accompaniment makes its mark; the Brucknerian discontinuities are relished as musical theatre, with silences tense and dramatic. Even the battle movement, which can sometimes seem the most conventional, has stunning beauties ... It's good to have a focused youthful chorus ... Like Helena Juntunen and Benjamin Appl, they put across the tense drama of Kullervo's unhappy meeting and sexual union with a woman he only finds out afterwards is his sister ... Kullervo may not have triumphed, but the Scots and their Danish chief conductor absolutely do here".


2019, nr. 55



Andrew Mellor

2019, nr. 55

"På koncertindspilningen hører vi, at Dausgaard var omhyggelig med ikke at forskønne partituret. Der er uperfekte steder i 'Kullervo', indrømmer han, og hans opførelse forsøger ikke at skjule dem ... Det største bonus er artikulationen. Dausgaards skotske orkester nyder alle de mærkelige hjørner, nervøse trækninger og eksperimenterende teksturer ... Dausgaard får en fin og charmerende atmosfære frem i andensatsen ... Sangen på albummet er en blandet fornøjelse".


2019 septembre



Christophe Huss

2019 septembre


2019 décembre



Christophe Huss

2019 décembre

BBC music magazine

2020 January



Freya Parr

2020 January

"The Finnish orchestra pays homage to the great Finnish composer's symphony, deeply rooted in Finnish culture. A win all round. Despite a slightly muted start, the orchestra springs into action when the voices join".

Fono Forum

2020 März



Andreas Friesenhagen

2020 März

"Hannu Lintu legt eine hochauflösende Wiedergabe von Sibelius' früher Chorsinfonie 'Kullervo' vor: minutiös ausgeleuchtet, mit Details, die man noch nie gehört zu haben meint, dabei mit dramatischer Wucht ... Die tragische Begegnung des Titelhelden mit seiner Schwester wird vom Geschwisterpaar Rusanen eindringlich verlebendigt".

BBC music magazine

2006 March



Robert Layton

2006 March

"Good recording, though the acoustic is just a little dry thanks to the full house ... given both the excellence of the newcomer and its competitive price this is now a first choice".

The gramophone

2017 April



Andrew Mellor

2017 April

"The choir is bushy-tailed ... without sounding raucous - as good a litmus test as any - and clearly helped making this live performance in Minneapolis an event ... Vänskä's Minnesota Orchestra is even more lustrous now than it was pre-lockout ... As always, articulation is the watchword with Vänskä and you hear it everywhere ... But ultimately, there's something about this Kullervo that underwhelms".


2019, nr. 92



Jörgen Lundmark

2019, nr. 92

"Thomas Dausgaards version är snarere luftig och spänstig, vilket även betonas av den något basfattiga inspelningen. Tilltalande vital och klar tolkning - med mycket välklingande körstämmor av Lunds studentsångare ... De båda sångsolisterna ... är utmärkta. Helena Juntunen ger sin stämma en operalik emfas medan Benjamin Appl är mer återhållet kärv".

The gramophone

2019 August



Andrew Achenbach

2019 August

"Not the least of its many virtues is the enthusiastic, scrupulously prepared and rhythmically spry contribution of the BBC Scottish SO ... Plaudits, too, for Dausgaard's purposeful, keen-eared direction, some shrewdly chosen tempos ensuring that Sibelius's daringly ambitious scheme unfolds with impressive cumulative power ... All told, a hearty welcome to this fresh-faced newcomer".

The gramophone

2020 January



Andrew Mellor

2020 January

"Thomas Dausgaard's recent recording from Glasgow revels unashamedly in the work's uncouth aspects: its vernacular accent, its rough edges, its unlikely transitions and its sheer unwillingness to be anything particular. This new recording from Helsinki is thicker, plusher and richer (with far more imposing choral singing from male choirs straddling the Gulf of Finland, which is welcome) but neither as vivid nor as revealing".

The gramophone

2007 January



Peter Quantrill

2007 January

"As a picaresque cantata, however, and performed as one as it is here, it grips from first to last ... The Atlanta Symphony lack a specific timbre, to their advantage in this work, with brass that is assertive, not chest-puffingly vulgar, and strings that yield to Robert Spanos pliant direction in those rare moments where tenderness is called for".