Musik / opera


Anmeldelser (3)

Presto classical

d. 31. juli 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 31. juli 2018

"Editors choices - July 2018: The uncanny, crepuscular sound-world of this triptych of claustrophobic family dramas is unsettling but riveting, and put me in mind not only of Debussy's Pélleas et Mélisande but also of George Benjamin's Written On Skin. Fingers crossed for a UK performance, or failing that a DVD - but this music conjures atmosphere and drama aplenty in its own right".

BBC music magazine

2018 October



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2018 October

"In the theatre, where these simple but potent stories would make a visual impact, the effect would surely be stronger than on a recording where the music alone creates atmosphere but is otherwise thin. But the performances under Donald Runnicles carries conviction, with several of the singers taking multiple roles and registering expressively".

The gramophone

2018 Awards



Mike Ashman

2018 Awards

"It would be unfair to say that our attention, even without visible drama, is not fully held ... And, as before, Webern and Berg (and now, perhaps, Debussy in the third part here, 'La mort de Tintagiles') nourish Reimann's melodies and harmonies. Especially noteworthy is his contrasting use of instrumental groupings ... As in Lear, Reimann augments the drama by the pure sound and tessitura of his vocal writing, recalling his special gifts as a Lied accompanist ... The recording seems true and serviceable but a DVD to show us Vasily Barkhatov's important creation of a production would have been invaluable".