Musik / operafilm

Le grand macabre

Anmeldelser (4)

MusicWeb international

2012 October



Leslie Wright

2012 October

"For me this is one of the most important discs yet issued this year. It is certainly one of the best that I have had the pleasure to review. As it is the only option for this opera on DVD or Blu-ray, it is self-recommending. Viewers should be warned, however, that the nearly pornographic production may be disturbing and some may find it downright appalling".


2012, nr. 27



Per Rask Madsen

2012, nr. 27

"For at få en forestilling som 'Le Grand Macabre' i kassen skal man have et førsteklasses hold. Latteren skal runge, ellers gier det ikke mening at sætte forstillingen op, heldigvis har Liceuoperaen i Barcelona mere, end man turde håbe på. På scenen er alle castet optimalt, orkestret anført af Michael Boder spiller skarpt og i tæt dialog med sangerne uden nogensinde at overdøve ... og Alex Ollé fra den catalanske teatergruppe La Fura dels Baus har skabt en fantastisk groteks iscenesættelse".


2013 fevrier



Benoît Fauchet

2013 fevrier

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2013 January



Mike Ashman

2013 January

"An international cast, chosen with the Liceu's normal skill, sing well and act to perfection the broad, superficial style that the directors require. Michael Boder and his orchestra seem to have the piece well sorted out. But there's too little feel in the production of an ensemble working together or of serious character investigation. A disappointment".