Musik / verdensmusik - world music


Anmeldelser (5)

The guardian

d. 19. maj 2017



Robin Denselow

d. 19. maj 2017

"The first new album in eight years by the great Malian diva shows a dramatic change of direction. She has a new French record label and French production team, A.l.b.e.r.t, who have worked with Franz Ferdinand. She is clearly aiming for a younger audience, and does so by using tight bass riffs, keyboards and sudden bursts of rock guitar, with the great Tony Allen driving on two of the songs with his distinctive percussion work. The result is an impressive, attacking set, but then Sangaré has always been adventurous. Her previous album, Seya, also included Allen, and she succeeds here because she remains true to her roots".


2017 May



David Hutheon

2017 May

"The queen of Wassoulou soul has got a (slightly) brand new bag - Wisely not handing over the reins completely to the makeover crew, the new Sangaré is not so very different from the old one - and when you have a voice like hers, it really doesn't make a lot of difference what knobs are being twiddled in the studio. Sangaré rocks in her own way, and nothing is ever going to change that" - Album of the Week.


d. 23. juni 2017



Ralf Christensen

d. 23. juni 2017

"Mogoya er (...) - takket være det parisiske producercrew A. l. b. e. r. t. - en ganske moderne plade. Mellem de fint vævede rytmiske strukturer smyger sig tætte elastiske bass-riffs, mens vokalerne hele tiden synes at rykke og slå buler i rytmikken ... Lyde zapper ind og ud af lydbilledet, ikke mindst elguitar. Og vigtigst: A. l. b. e. r. t. opretter flere forskellige klangrum på én gang, i smukt konstruerede lag på lag i sangene. På »Djoukourou« sker det med en dolkende synth-akkord, som kommer fra et sted oppe i atmosfæren ... Titelnummeret (...) ledsages af et mørkt klingende strengeinstrument og sindssygt sprøde strygere. Hvorefter himmelrummet åbner op med glasklange og kor svævende frit i luften og Sangarés stemme pludselig et sted langt ude i æteren. Det er et opgør med autenticitet, med ideen om at præservere musik fra de varme lande i et realistisk rum, hvor alt spilles live ... Løsrivelsen af instrumenter og stemmer fra tid og sted skaber nye underfulde fiktioner...Sangaré udmejsler på Mogoya sin egen niche med fødderne plantet solidt i egen tradition, men med et forfinet øre vendt mod vestlig teknologi og klangforståelse".


2017 May



Jamie Renton

2017 May

"The possessor of one of the finest voices on the planet, Sanagré has taken a leap into the unknown here, moving from her longstanding home on World Circuit Records, over to the French No Format! label and spiking her sound with a more contemporary edge ... Not that she's abandoned the music of her Wassoulou ancestry ... It's in every inflection of her voice, its rhythms deeply ingrained into every song, with traditional instruments such as the n'goni cropping up all over the place. But on this album it's incorporated into something daringly different. Recorded in Stockholm and Paris with producer Andreas Unge and the Parisian production collective ALBERT, "Mogoya" eschews the coffee table fusion that usually blights such attempts to internationalise a roots African sound and plumps instead for something raw and rhythm-driven ... The quality-over-quantity approach reaps some serious dividends. And Sangaré's voice sounds as strong, sultry and agile as ever".

Jazz special

Nr. 156 (2017)



Torben Holleufer

Nr. 156 (2017)

"Festivalaktuelle Oumou Sangaré har fundet nye venner, og de har sammen begået en genistreg".