Musik / rock


Anmeldelser (5)


d. 23. juli 2014



Colin McGuire

d. 23. juli 2014

"Mutineers is the most comfortable Gray has sounded in years".





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"Bouncing back from the hushed austerity of 2010's Foundling - a tasteful affair, to be sure, but perhaps a shade too tasteful - David Gray joins forces with [producer] Andy Barlow ... Barlow does paint Mutineers with many appealingly muted colors, an approach that seems surprisingly bright after the off-white Foundling. At its best, the production is so quietly textured it never draws attention to itself; instead, it enhances the songs themselves, letting them breathe and settle. It's not simply that the production of Mutineers is well-drawn, so are the melodies of the songs. Grey remains a subtle songwriter, but these songs are direct and often slyly hooky, which means Mutineers makes a striking initial impact then seeps in deeply".

The guardian

d. 26. juni 2014



Harriet Gibsone

d. 26. juni 2014

"His voice (...) is now backed by purring cellos and murmuring double bass; Beautiful Agony's recollection of a sun-scorched evening isn't far from Ryan Adams. While Mutineers doesn't totally shatter preconceptions, there's a rare comfort in hearing an artist in pursuit of joy; and unlike the throng of relatively inoffensive twentysomething singer-songwriters littering the charts, Gray's songs have a timeworn quality that's far more charismatic".

Rolling stone

d. 17. juni 2014



Will Hermes

d. 17. juni 2014

"On the surface, this collaboration with Andy Barlow (of underrated Nineties trip-hop duo Lamb) isn't a huge leap for David Gray, a folk-rock vet obsessed with electronics at least since 2000's sleeper hit White Ladder. But Barlow, a DJ-minded producer obsessed with acoustic instruments, is a perfect match. Where Gray generally plants his Van Morrison-ish bray like a flag in a song's center, Barlow blurs the field with swarming arrangements and vocals smeared by effects and multitracking".

Gaffa [online]

d. 2. juli 2014



Finn P. Madsen

d. 2. juli 2014

"Der er strammet op på sangskrivningen, og hans nye samarbejdspartner, den elektroniske duo Lambs Andy Barlow viser sig som en gevinst. Den tempofyldte As the Crow Flies sammensmelter en elektronisk bund med fornemmelsen for den gode melodi, mens det fine titelnummer brænder stærkt igennem med Grays insisterende vokal ... Mutineers er et velkomment udspil fra en kunstner, man egentlig havde afskrevet".