Musik / klaver solo

Piano sonata no. 2 & Violin sonata no. 4 : Concord & Children's day at the camp meeting

Anmeldelser (11)

The guardian

d. 20. maj 2015



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 20. maj 2015

"It's a provocative mix: Charles Ives isn't often juxtaposed with the Second Viennese School ... That's underlined here by Lubimov's account of the Ives, which is rugged, uncompromising and often thrilling ... Lubimov seems to delight in that roughness, and his playing celebrates the complexity and technical challenges as much as it does the moments of poetry that unfold when the welter dies away".

MusicWeb international

2017 November



Richard Hanlon

2017 November

"Recording of the month: The splendid Finnish partnership hint at its mysteries while effortlessly projecting its sweetness and light ... Notwithstanding its evocative subtitle, the Fourth Violin Sonata is certainly not a slight work, especially so in this performance; but it is Ahonen's revelatory performance of the Concord Sonata that makes this disc treasurable ... An outstanding disc".


2017, nr. 47



Esben Tange (f. 1961)

2017, nr. 47

"Den næsten 50 minutter lange klaversonate nr. 2 med tilnavnet Concord er et hovedværk ikke blot for Charles Ives , men også i klaverlitteraturen som sådan ... Intet er for småt og intet for stort i Ives' splintrede musikalske univers ... og så vidt det er menneskeligt muligt, får den unge finske pianist Joonas Ahonen det hele med. Han skaber organiske sammenhænge i Ives' ofte abrupte musik ... Og Pekka Kuusisto er en perfekt partner i violinsonaten. Han mestrer både at være en spillemand med folkemusik i ærmet og at give sig hen til de mest forfinede romantiske drømmerier".


2015 juillet-août



Laurent Marcinik

2015 juillet-août

BBC music magazine

2015 October



Bayan Northcott

2015 October

"While technically impressive, it [Ives] also has the spontaneity and sweep of live performance ... Virtuosity may be pushed to the very limit in the fantastical whirligig of quotations ... The other two works come from a different concert, with slightly less resonant piano sound ... Lubimov sounds a little unsettled ... missing some of their mysterious poise [Webern: opening bars], though he defines the remaining movements cleanly enough, and rides the chromatic surges of Alban Berg's hyper-Romantic one-movement Sonata with conviction".

BBC music magazine

2011 June



Howard Goldstein

2011 June

"Copland's Organ Symphony was considered the height of musical modernism at its premiere in 1925 ... It seems rather tame now, though still appealing ... The live recording, though, is absolutely stunning, with the organ clearly spaced in Davies Hall, allowing Paul Jacobs to be in the foreground, and yet an integral part of the orchestra".

The gramophone

2017 November



Richard Whitehouse

2017 November

"Those attracted by this coupling, finely recorded and informatively annotated, can be assured the rewards outweigh the reservations".

The gramophone

2015 July



Philip Clark

2015 July

"I wish I could be more enthusiastic about his new disc ... Lubimov's performance has settled into 9-to-5 routine".

The gramophone

2011 May



Peter Dickinson

2011 May

"Brant has added an imposing document to the Ives repertoire and these two live recordings are a stunning success".

International record review

2011 April



Richard Whitehouse

2011 April

"In short, a disc that bodes well for future releases from this source, but neither account quite hits the mark as might have been expected".