Musik / kor

Requiem : grande messe des morts

Anmeldelser (26)

The guardian

d. 13. okt. 2011



Tim Ashley

d. 13. okt. 2011

"The result is clear-textured and austere, even where the decibel count is extreme in the Dies Irae. Some might find this severity tells against the Sanctus, which doesn't soar heavenwards quite as much as it could ... McCreesh keeps it all on a tight rein, but the chief glory is the choral singing, superb in its fervour and weight, with the difficult tenor line notably strong and ecstatic. Not as good as Colin Davis's classic version, but it comes close".





James Leonard


" In short, anyone who likes the work should at least hear this performance. It may or may not turn out to be a favorite in the long run, but it has more potential to move the listener than a performance without the same context".

MusicWeb international

2013 April



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2013 April

"The orchestral playing is superb throughout ... Sir Colin Davis, too, is in a class apart as a Berlioz interpreter and this performance simply confirms that. This is, from start to finish, magnificent. It's astonishing to think that when this recording was made he was a few weeks shy of his eighty-fifth birthday for there is no want of energy here ... Berlioz found in Sir Colin Davis a champion beyond compare".

MusicWeb international

2022 February



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2022 February

"Recommended: Antonio Pappano's recording of the Grande messe des morts is a magnificent achievement. Interpretatively, it rivals the Colin Davis recording - the differences in approach are fascinating; neither is "better" than the other. No less than Davis, Pappano brings out the many nuances of Berlioz's masterpiece and he is just as successful in conveying its scale and grandeur. He's aided by superb playing and singing and by a magnificent recording. This is as fine a traversal of the score as I've heard in years and on every front it's deeply impressive".

MusicWeb international

2021 November



Dan Morgan (musikanmelder)

2021 November

"Recording of the month: The Dutch orchestra and Italian choir are superb in the 'Requiem - Kyrie'. Pappano shapes the music most beautifully, those rocking string figures especially well done ... As for Pappano, he makes it all sound so effortless, 'floating' those heavenly phrases in much the same way Davis did all those years ago ... It's clear Pappano has the measure of Berlioz's ambitious score ... As for the 'Sanctus', it's the soloist who takes centre stage. This is a small but crucial role, and, joy of joys, the Mexican tenor Javier Camarena sings with an ardour and purity of tone that's most appealing ... But, it's the choir who have the last word, their long-breathed 'Amens' a fitting coda to this distinguished - and most desirable - release. A musical and sonic milestone; in short, a Requiem to die for".

The Classic Review

d. 7. okt. 2019



David A. McConnell

d. 7. okt. 2019

"Most importantly, the recording captures an exceptionally moving interpretation, masterfully conducted by Berlioz specialist John Nelson. In his brief introductory note, Nelson writes that Berlioz, despite being agnostic, attended mass every day because "he was overwhelmed by the beauty and solemnity of the Roman Catholic service." Indeed, it is these two qualities that stand out in the performance ... this new version rewards repeated listening and will move anyone who hears it, both as a performance and a recording".


d. 11. aug. 2006



Thomas Michelsen

d. 11. aug. 2006

"En stringent og effektfuld livefremførelse under den rytmisk orienterede sir Roger Norringtons ledelse. Som sædvanlig meget entydig, hvad der i forbindelse med dette mammutværk er en fordel ... De medvirkende kor klarer opgaven flot".


d. 24. feb. 2009



John Christiansen

d. 24. feb. 2009

BBC music magazine

2010 January



Mark Pappenheim

2010 January

"Vurdering: BBC music choice" - "But what really makes this version special is the virtuosic contribution of the EuropaChorAkademie, a group of young professional singers drawn from all over Europe".

Fono Forum

2013 Juni



Andreas Friesenhagen

2013 Juni

"Colin Davis bietet mit rund 230 Sängern einen Chor auf, dessen Grösse Berlioz' Vorstellungen in etwa entspricht".


2013, nr. 48



Carlhåkan Larsén

2013, nr. 48

"Tolkningen är så väl sammanhållen, så upphöjd under Sir Colin Davis ledning ... Klangerna bäddas in i katedralen, i detta fall St Paul's i London (liveupptagning), och sveper in lyssnandet i meditativ väldoft - musiken är stram och mjuk på samma gång. Men visst finns också monumentala stunder av skakande energi ... En värdig och respektabel tolkning".


2013 juin



Gérard Condé

2013 juin

BBC music magazine

2006 June



Calum MacDonald

2006 June

"This live performance from 2003 in Stuttgart's Beethovensaal, part of a European tour by these forces in celebration of Berlioz' birth bicentenary, is certainly among the most impressice available today".

BBC music magazine

2011 November



Michael Scott Rohan

2011 November

"McCreesh's pace is fairly slow and weighty, but it seldom feels slack ... Even those used to the Colin Davis or Charles Munch tradition may find its airy beauties compelling".

Fono Forum

2020 Januar



Bernd Feuchtner

2020 Januar

"Die Fülle der 400 Ausführenden kann sich durch die umsichtige Führung John Nelsons wirklich entfalten und atmen ... In dem [Anfang des Lacrymosa] die Philharmonia- und Philharmonic-Chöre aber auch di Melodik sinnlich ausschwingen lassen. Und auch die leiseren Instrumentalpassagen in Stücken wie dem Offertorium werden vom Philharmonia Orchestra in aller Vielfalt der Streicher- und Holzbläserstimmen musiziert. Der Klang schwelgt in der Farbenpracht von Berlioz' Partitur und ist warm und intensiv ... Ein einheitliches Musikerlebnis von grosser Eindringlichkeit".

International record review

2010 January



John Warrack

2010 January

"Cambreling is an experienced Berlioz conductor with a strong feeling for the music's atmosphere, for its bold textures, for the uneven and often unexpected phrasing, for the sometimes quirky and thrust of the rhythms. He has an excellent choir in the EuropaChorAkademie".

The gramophone

2013 June



Richard Lawrence

2013 June

"Vurdering: Gramophone choice" - "The St Paul's acoustic is something to be reckoned with ... and it is striking to observe how careful Davis is to allow for the famous echo ... There's some lovely orchestral detail ... The chorus is excellent ... Barry Banks, sounding some way off, is effortlessly mellifluous. Whether in 2012 or 1969, Colin Davis is a must-have".

The gramophone

2006 August



Edward Greenfield

2006 August

"Clean, fresh textures set in a warm acoustic, with incisive choral singing ... Colin Davis' version ... has greater bite and body of sound".

The gramophone

2022 November



Mike Ashman

2022 November

"Pappano ... is not exactly a Berlioz habitué. But his wide-ranging Covent Garden repertoire has bred in him an often compelling interpreter of large-scale vocal works with orchestra. Here he is especially attentive to the score's many pauses, playing them like cat and mouse - as I think Berlioz attended ... The Concertgebouw go with him alle the way and there is some beautiful and virtuoso playing, and an involved (and decidedly Latin) contribution from the tenor in the Sanctus".

Berlingske tidende

d. 26. apr. 2000


d. 26. apr. 2000

The gramophone

2011 November



Geoffrey Norris

2011 November

"The concept of Berlioz's requiem Mass may embrace a certain element of grandiosity but, listening to this performance, it is impossible to forget that Berlioz was a supreme orchestrator and a composer with a broad dramatic talent".

The gramophone

2007 October



John Warrack

2007 October

"Vurdering: G (Gramophone recommends)" - "This is his only recording of the work since his classic 1969 version, and despite excellent performances by Norrington ... and Robert Spnao ... his grasp of the music remains supreme".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 37, nr. 8 (2004)


Årg. 37, nr. 8 (2004)


d. 27. apr. 1999


d. 27. apr. 1999

The gramophone

2019 October



Mike Ashman

2019 October

"This conductor has been outstandingly careful about the notorious acoustic. Any complaints registered about its effect in reviews of the concert are hardly apparently on these recordings of it ... The recording, in general, has lovely brass tone and is most sensitive to Nelsons's wide dynamic range ... If the text above all, and the atmosphere of an event contemplated, satisfies you, there are few better options around at the moment".