Musik / kor

Requiem & Miserere

Anmeldelser (2)

MusicWeb international

2020 November



Curtis Rogers

2020 November

"Whilst some may question the suitability of this generally affable, outgoing music as a setting of the Mass for the Dead, it is certainly an eloquent and succinct score that deserves to be heard. It is surely no more of an incongruous pairing of music with words than Mozart's `rococo-operatic sweets of sin', as Stravinsky deemed his mass settings, and listeners who wish to explore the repertory of 18th century choral music beyond these and Haydn's examples will be amply satisfied by Il Gardellino's offering".

The gramophone

2020 July



David Threasher

2020 July

"The Requiem in E flat by Niccolò Jommelli (1714-74) became to the late 18th century what Mozart's was to the 19th ... It's a fascinating work, perhaps inevitably straddling the twilight of the Baroque period and the dawning of the Classical, its scoring for strings and organ situating its sound world closer to the austere purity of Pergolesi than to the operatic pictorialism of Mozart ... The coupling is a Miserere that again shows Jommelli's ability in the stile antico. If not as immediate in effect as the Requiem, it is performed with comparable care and affection".