Musik / opera

Scylla & Glaucus

Anmeldelser (3)

BBC music magazine

2016 April



Kate Bolton-Porciatti

2016 April

"Leclair's only opera is virtually unknown today but, musically, it's a masterpiece ... [D'Hérin favours] a more restrained and elegant approach, drawing graceful and animated playing from his crack ensemble ... Anders Dahlin makes an ardent Glaucus, his voice lucid and his phrasing eloquent. Emöke Barath's soprano is aptly mellifluous for the role of Scylla ... The sheer quality of the music makes this an irresistible disc".


2016 fevrier



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2016 fevrier

The gramophone

2016 February



Richard Lawrence

2016 February

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Excellent [opera] and deserves to be better known ... Les Nouveaux Caractères under Sébastien d'Hérin sing and play splendidly. Anders J Dahlin, an old hand at this repertoire, is in excellent voice. Emoke Barath catches the tender and fiery sides to Scylla's character perfectly, and Caroline Mutel's summoning of the infernal deities is gripping ... A wholehearted recommendation".