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Summerfling (engelsk)


Have you heard? The place to be this summer is in love!Life in the sleepy island of Glenmore is filled with tranquil lazy days. Bliss! But this summer the gossip mill is running overtime – love is most definitely in the air… Poor Evanna has been infatuated with her boss forever – to him she’s just part of the furniture. Rumour has it this summer she’s decided to get noticed. No more sensible suits for her…she’s bringing out the stilettos!Kyla can see Evanna is in love with her brother and if she had her way she’d knock their heads together. Oh well… Kyla has other, more pressing distractions – the new island doctor is gorgeous! Dr Ethan sticks out in the picture-perfect island like a v. handsome sore thumb.Ripples are running through the tranquil waters of Glenmore – secrets, scandal and more than a little flirtation! It’s going to be a summer to remember!

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