Musik / klassiske symfonier

Unfinished & great symphonies

Anmeldelser (38)

Classics today




David Hurwitz


"The playing of the orchestra is beyond glorious, even better than it was for RCA. The woodwinds are invariably sweet-toned and characterful, with a superb oboe soloist in the Andante. Horns, trumpets, trombones, and timpani all know their place: they have presence when they need to and offer warm and full support elsewhere. But it's the string playing that really makes the performance ... if you want to hear his way with the Ninth at its best, this release is certainly the choice option".

The guardian

d. 27. maj 2015



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 27. maj 2015

"This is unmistakably a performance that balances Schubert's last completed symphony right on the cusp of Romanticism. So much of the detail and the way Abbado shapes it here looks further into the 19th century and towards Bruckner, especially ... what his performance conveys most powerfully is the sense of a symphony bursting at its classical seams and pushing its expressive language as far as it will go".

The guardian

d. 14. nov. 2019



Erica Jeal

d. 14. nov. 2019

"This recording has no self-consciousness, nothing to suggest a conductor craving our attention - just a performance that captures the joy, grandeur and extremes of feeling in this symphony, without seeming to try".





Blair Sanderson


"So when it is considered for its many excellent qualities, this budget disc really deserves serious attention and earns high marks, despite its age and marketing".

Presto classical

d. 1. juni 2015


d. 1. juni 2015

"Vurdering: Presto disc of the week" - "Rhythms are kept springy, and there's a freshness and vigour to it that kept me enthralled throughout...Abbado's years of experience, coupled with playing of the highest quality, make this a captivatingly polished recording that I thoroughly recommend!".

MusicWeb international

2019 December



Simon Thompson (musikanmelder)

2019 December

"Yes: this is a conductor/orchestra partnership that we're going to be paying a lot of attention to in the coming years, and I for one can't wait. You might argue that less than 55 minutes is rather short shrift for a CD, but it's worth every penny, and if this had come my way sooner then it would have been one of my discs of 2019".

MusicWeb international

2018 July



Michael Cookson

2018 July

"This captivating and uncommonly fresh reading from Mariss Jansons is clearly a labour of love which combines glorious drama and deep compassion in turn from the Bayerischen Rundfunks. Immediately engaging the listener right from those splendid opening horn calls ... [It] competes with a wealth of rival accounts in the catalogue and stands up to comparison with the finest of them ... Mariss Jansons presides over an uncommonly engaging performance of Schubert's uplifting 'Great' C major symphony. This is great music-making of unshakable conviction".


d. 24. juni 2015



Jens Povlsen

d. 24. juni 2015

"Umiddelbart er det den stringente overdådighed, der er den største åbenbaring på Abbados allersidste tur med Schuberts 9. Symfoni. Friheden i fortolkningen er slående. Rank, vaks er den, og mens man lytter sig igennem Schuberts sidste fuldendte symfoni, vælder lyset frem gennem alle åbninger. Følelsesladet og superminutiøst ... Få år før sin død nåede han nye kunstneriske højder".


d. 24. juni 2015



Thomas Michelsen

d. 24. juni 2015

"Schuberts 9. Symfoni i C-dur er sammen med hans strygekvintet i samme toneart et af den lille, romantiske østrigers store, sene mesterværker, og som Claudio Abbado får musikken til at udvikle sig fra smeltende blødhed frem mod en veloplagt, stram finale, er dette seneste posthume udspil med italieneren en stærk anbefaling værd".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 22. juli 2015



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 22. juli 2015

"Timelang er symfonien og dertil himmelsk i den særlige Schubertske forstand. Musikken går lige i hjertekulen. Der er gennem tiden blevet udgivet mange prisværdige indspilninger ... Men en ny cd, hvor Claudio Abbado dirigerer Orchestra Mozart ... er sandsynligvis den bedste nogensinde. Rygradsrislende gode anelser melder sig allerede under førstesatsens indledende horntema, og de bekræftes takt for takt ... En af de mest medrivende plader, jeg længe - nej, nogensinde! - har hørt".


d. 14. feb. 2006



Thomas Michelsen

d. 14. feb. 2006

"Lyder som en Mahler-symfoni. Borte er den sødmeblandede smerte, der er kernen hos Schubert ... Intet af det kan kaldes makværk. Dertil er visionen for klar og orkesterspillet for udmærket. Men hvad Schubert angår, rammer Rattle pænt forbi".

Berlingske tidende

d. 19. dec. 2018



Søren Schauser

d. 19. dec. 2018

"Årets 10 klassiske udgivelser - 3: Ikke så få kendere vil løfte et øjenbryn: Franz Schuberts "store" symfoni kaldes for nummer otte! Men jo: Det seneste katalog over romantikerens værker har rent faktisk byttet om på rækkefølgen et par steder. Kammerorchester Basel under ledelse af Heinz Holliger er i gang med en samlet indspilning af hans orkesterværker og spiller nummer otte med fornem formning af de enkelte melodier og en ret så underholdende friskhed i farten".


d. 9. jan. 2006



John Christiansen

d. 9. jan. 2006

"Rattle er som forstandig og følsom fortolker ikke i Furtwänglers klasse ... Fans af Simon Rattle vil dog ikke skuffes af en flot klingende gengivelse".

BBC music magazine

2011 July



Stephen Johnson (f. 1955)

2011 July

"Vurdering: BBC Music orchestral choice" - "There's plenty of muscular energy, yet the lines sing too ... you hear pre-echoes of the genius Schubert was soon to become".


2015 septembre



Thierry Soveaux

2015 septembre

BBC music magazine

2015 September



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2015 September

"Vurdering: BBC music orchestral choice" - "[Abbado] reaches extraordinary heights ... Every bar surges with energy, thrust, warmth of tone, miraculous detail in even the faster passages and ... a huge joy in living, which must leave every sensitive listener stirred to the depths ... This is without doubt one of the records of a lifetime".

Fono Forum

2015 August



Christoph Vratz

2015 August

"Vurdering: Empfehlungen des Monats" - "Diese Aufnahme ist hinreissend. So Stimmungsvoll, so ehrlich, so berührend hat man Schuberts neunte Sinfonie selten gehört wie 2011 mit dem Orchestra Mozart unter Claudio Abbado. Alle für einen, einer für alle - dieses Motto ... trägt und prägt auch diese Aufführung".

BBC music magazine

2020 January



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2020 January

"Maxim Emelyanychev inspires the excellent Scottish Chamber Orchestra to give the most thrilling account of Schubert's last symphony ... that I have heard in many years. The amount of noise this 'chamber' orchestra can make is amazing, and so is the propulsion of which they are capable under inspired direction ... It's not possible to listen to any of Schubert's finest works and not feel that his early death is the greatest of all artistic losses, a feeling especially reinforced by this great performance".

BBC music magazine

2008 October



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2008 October

"This staggering recording of a "live" performance ... is the most remarkable recording of this elusive work since Furtwängler's famous Berlin account in 1951 ... Charles Mackerras conducts with a greater freedom of tempos than he ever has before ... The Philharmonia rises magnificently to what must have been an exhausting occasion".


2020 octobre



Hugues Mousseau

2020 octobre

Fono Forum

2020 September



Tom Reinhold

2020 September

"Luisi schaft das Kunststück, bei dem oft gespielten Werk neue Akzente zu setzen, ohne manieriert zu sein. Die Einleitung und den Schluss des ersten Satz spielt er beispielsweise sehr langsam, den zweiten Satz dagegen recht flott und damit im Einklang mit Schuberts Tempovorgaben ... Dem Orchester mangelt es allerdings an Klangschönheit".

BBC music magazine

2018 November



Bayan Northcott

2018 November

"Orchestral choice: An excellence of this new live recording is the way Mariss Jansons and his Bavarian players subtly bring out the harmonic changes or enrichments of surrounding part-writing with which Schubert more often varies his recurrent long melodies ... The Bavarian brass and woodwind are on glowing, translucent form, and the recorded sound is warm and vibrant. In all, a release to renew one's admiration and love for this wonderful work".

The gramophone

2006 Awards



Naelen Anthoni

2006 Awards

"You could call this performance traditional, though Mahlers belief in tradition as a collection of bad habits isnt sustained ... The recording is not always ideally clear and the texture tends to become a trifle congested during dynamic moments; yet the atmosphere of a live event has been captured ... But Daviss way, meticulously prepared, supremely well played, imposing yet flexible, puts this recording on an artistic pedestal".

International record review

2010 June



John Warrack

2010 June

"Throughout, the playing has an ebullience that suits Fischer's view of the work ... it is an exhilarating conclusion to a fine and individual performance".

The gramophone

2011 August



Nalen Anthoni

2011 August

"A serious but considered and imposing reading of Schubert's "Great" C major".

The gramophone

2015 July



Richard Osborne (f. 1943)

2015 July

"No one is likely to mistake the Orchestra Mozart for a slimmed-down Berlin Philharmonic ... but the Orchestra Mozart's homelier, less virtuoso approach is apt to Abbado's later way with the music. It's a reading that is mellower, though with no loss of textural transparency, and more measured, though with no loss of cogency and drive ... This, then, is a version which complements rather than yields to or replaces Abbado's earlier recording".

Berlingske tidende

d. 28. juni 2003


d. 28. juni 2003


d. 23. juni 1999


d. 23. juni 1999

High fidelity

1999 4


1999 4


d. 5. okt. 1999


d. 5. okt. 1999

The gramophone

2020 January



Peter Quantrill

2020 January

"The orchestra is balanced upwards, cast loose from a compact bass line that is too discreet for its own good at those many points ... But if the symphony's 'heavenly lengths' have left you cold in the past, Emelyanychev could be the man to banish your Schubertian blues. To the perennial debate over the accent or diminuendo on the last note he brings an ingenious solution, contriving both at once".

The gramophone

2015 February



Andrew Achenbach

2015 February

"I for one am happy to have made this lithe and fresh-faced newcomer's acquaintance ... this strikes me as well worth hunting down".

International record review

2008 October



John Warrack

2008 October

"Sir Charles Mackerras has recorded Schubert's Great C major Symphony more than once before ... This recording of a live performance does not use "period" instruments but still maintains, with all the full forces of the Philharmonia, all his characteristic lucidity ... He brings the work, with virtuoso playing from the Philharminia's violins, to a triumphant conclusion".

The gramophone

2022 September



David Threasher

2022 September

"Those expecting provocative speeds and micromanaged detail from Jacobs might be surprised at the centrality of his reading ... Jacobs's approach is more businesslike, letting the notes do the talking on their own terms. Thus Jacobs's pairing is of a piece with the earlier recordings in his cycle and forms a fine and fitting conclusion to it".

The gramophone

2019 December



David Threasher

2019 December

"Critics' choice 2019: This year has been a good one for Schubert's symphonies, with Great D majors from a range of backgrounds and approaches appearing and reappearing. A new one from the Scottish CO under Maxim Emelyanchev is gripping and provocative but there's something equally absorbing about Heinz Holliger's cycle-launching recording with the Basel Chamber Orchestra".

The gramophone

2018 Awards



David Threasher

2018 Awards

"Jansons and the BRSO let the music flow out organically ... This is not a compact symphony and it benefits from the longer, more leisurely view. The unhurried approach is what Jansons gives it, resulting, for example, in a winning lilt to the Ländler-like Trio".

International record review

2006 February



Nigel Simeone

2006 February

"This is one of the loveliest-sounding recordings of Schubert's Great C major Symphony I have ever heard ... I much admire Rattle's flowing speed , which keeps things moving along most effectively, while still giving the wind soloists enough space ... of relatively recent digital recordings on modern instruments, this is certainly one of the best".

The gramophone

2006 March



Edward Greenfield

2006 March

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "What emerges from this relatively relaxed approach is an extra sense of joy in Schubert's inspiration, with rhythms lifted infectiously ... with full, warm sound, this is a first-rate recommendation".

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