Musik / musikdvd-video

Symphony no. 5

Anmeldelser (7)

d. 22. juni 2016



Hank Zauderer

d. 22. juni 2016

"The first half of this concert was immediately a delight: The baritone Matthias Goerne seems completely at home in a selection of songs from Des Knaben Wunderhorn. His warm, dark voice allows him to capture the somber and tragic atmosphere of this music like no one else. Conductor Andriss Nelsons finds a unique approach to Mahler's Fifth. His Mahler is fiery, expansive, and powerful".


2016, nr. 42



Esben Tange (f. 1961)

2016, nr. 42

"På denne dvd, hvor Goerne trods et anseeligt bamsekorpus på det nærmeste danser sig igennem flere af de i alt syv udvalgte sange fra Des Knaben Wunderhorn ... evner han samtidig med sin mørkt farvede varme stemme at skabe mere intime øjeblikke, hvor tiden går i stå, og en drømmeverden tager over ... Goerne og Nelson er mænd for at skabe musikalsk historiefortælling af den melodramatiske slags. I Symfoni nr. 5 fortsætter Andris Nelson ... Selvom der er tale om et mægtigt symfonisk værk, fremstår symfonien her langt hen af vejen som kammermusik, hvor musikerne i Lucerne Festivalorkester musicerer som små engle".

Classical music

2016 October



Guy Weatherall

2016 October

"He [Andris Nelsons] was invited back to last years [Lucerne] festival to give a high-octane, viscerally intense performance of the fifth symphony, beautifully filmed and recorded here for Accentus. Tempi are often broad, but at no time does the striking level of concentration let up With Goerne in fine voice and bringing an equally intense readings of seven songs, this is a concert film to return to relish".


2016 novembre



Jean-Charles Hoffelé

2016 novembre

The gramophone

2016 September



Edward Seckerson

2016 September

"The Lucerne Festival Orchestra's ... magnificent playing here is suffused with the memory of their creator, Claudio Abbado, and re-energised with the new-found dynamism of the visionary Latvian ... Nelsons and his orchestra are predictably joyous and the coming-together of the earlier chorale and delirious helter-skeltering strings is ridiculously exciting".

BBC music magazine

2016 October



David Nice

2016 October

"Compelling sequence".