Musik / operafilm

The rake's progress

Anmeldelser (16)

MusicWeb international

2005 September



Evan Dickerson

2005 September

"An entirely self-recommending classic thats not to be missed, whether you want the cerebral pleasures of tracing artistic influences or simply a cracking all-round operatic experience".

Presto classical




"This production of 'The Rake's Progress' marks Barbara Hannigan's debut as an opera conductor and is a "labour of love" for her. Hannigan, who has sung the role of Anne Truelove many times, hand-picked the cast of soloists from over 350 applications from 39 countries, and subsequent auditions throughout Europe, as part of her mentoring initiative 'Equilibrium'. In this unique and refined semi-staged production, director Linus Fellbom invites the audience to partake on a journey through space and time, from a distant future to the present, and back to 18th-century London. The documentary 'Taking Risks' follows all aspects of the production, starting with the very first auditions, the casting and rehearsal process, and culminating in the premiere in Gothenburg in December 2018".


d. 14. feb. 2006



Jan Jacoby

d. 14. feb. 2006

"En original blanding af komik, lyrik, tragik og groteske. Musikken udføres med en strømmende ynde, dansant charme og melodisk varme, der ligger tæt på de klassiske forbilleder ... Samtidig er den en æstetisk nydelse, skønt det akustiske rum er lidt hårdt".


d. 22. apr. 2008



Thomas Michelsen

d. 22. apr. 2008

"Denne udgave af Stravinskys engelsksprogede opera er et super show. De tre timers musikteater om en ung mands overmod og fald flyder fængende over fladskærmen. Stemmer og spil er i topklasse. Slug Stravinskys kradse neoklassiske toner. Her er sportsvogne, swimmingpools og djævelskab nok at skylle efter med".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 16. apr. 2008



Mikael Garnæs

d. 16. apr. 2008

"De spektakulære, Hollywood-agtige scenerier virker snart naive, snart ironiske, og slutscenen, hvor hovedpersonen dør på sindssygeanstalten med sin trofaste ungdomskæreste som afmægtig tilskuer, er rørende. Musikalsk udmærkes forestillingen af en klar og vital direktion fra japaneren Kazushi Ono og en række glimrende, engelsksprogede sangere. Absolut anbefalelsesværdig".


2020 octobre



Benoît Fauchet

2020 octobre


2012, nr. 24



Esben Tange (f. 1961)

2012, nr. 24


2012, nr. 24



Esben Tange (f. 1961)

2012, nr. 24

"Med tegneserieagtige kulisser og dekorationer ... har scenografien meget tilfælles med Stravinskijs finurlige neoklassiske musik ... Læg dertil en arkaisk russisk tone, som den fremragende yngre dirigent Vladimir Jurowski har et mesterligt greb om ... Tom Rakewell ... fremstilles fremragende af den finske tenor Topi Lehtipuu ... Og i den svenske sopran Miah Persson har han en perfekt medspiller".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 41, nr. 7 (2008)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 41, nr. 7 (2008)

"Dette er en af de bedste operaer fra det 20. århundrede. Og så til udførelsen: Den er noget nær perfekt. Iscenesættelsen er begavet, og historien virker fængslende og gribende. Man bliver engageret ... Her møder vi flittige og dygtige sangere, som både kan synge og spille komedie på højeste plan ... Man er med fra først til sidst, føler sig godt underholdt og bliver lidt klogere på livet og menneskene. Kan man ønske sig mere af en opera?".

The gramophone

2008 May



Peter Quantrill

2008 May

"Andrew Kennedy takes all this in his stride, and his always fresh, appealing tenor ensures we retain our sympathy through Tom's piteous downfall from indolence to insanity ... Doubtless Kazushi Ono must take credit for some slickly cinematic pacing, but in truth I hardly noticed him or the prompt orchestral contribution. This is a show to be seen ... and a model of its kind".

BBC music magazine

2008 May



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2008 May

"The air the piece breathes ... is so redolent of the 18th century that it seems perverse to place it in Los Angeles in the 1950s, as Robert Lepage has done ... Musically it is first-rate. Andrew Kennedy in particular sings the Rake superbly".

Vurdering (performance): 4/5.

Vurdering (presentation): 4/5.


2012 février



Michel Parouty

2012 février

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or" - "Chanteurs de premier plan, comédiens exceptionnels - quelle équipe! Le London Philharmonic déploie ses sortilèges, avec Vladimir Jurowski à la baguette. Le chef russe s'y entend pour souligner les arêtes vives et la transparence d'une partition unique en son genre. La fable fait mouche; on reste émerveillé".

BBC music magazine

2012 January



Christopher Dingle

2012 January

"This is a production full of colour and light, and brimming with wit ... first-rate cast. Miah Persson underpins the heartfelt love with a steely determination ... An absolute triumph".

Vurdering (performance): 5/5.

Vurdering (picture & sound): 4/5.

International record review

2012 February



Peter J. Rabinowitz

2012 February

"Both visually and aurally we get a witty and sometimes troubling flickering between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries ... As you're watching, it seems absolutely right. The freshness of this new release, though, comes just as much from the performance as it does from the staging ... Miah Persson ... offers a tonal warmth ... Nearly as good is the honey-toned Topi Lehtipuu ... This would deserve the highest recommendation".

The gramophone

2012 March



Richard Fairman

2012 March

"David Hockney's designs have never looked as good as they do here, captured with razor-sharp picture quality ... In other respects, though, the production has started to feel its age, the atmosphere here being sweetly naive ... Topi Lehtipuu ... sings with elegance. Miah Persson is almost his equal ... The combination of Vladimir Jurowski and the London Philharmonic Orchestra ensures crisp ensemble of the highest quality".