Musik / electronica


Anmeldelser (4)





Paul Simpson


"Following the warm reception of Ibibio Sound Machine's 2014 self-titled debut, the London-based collective unexpectedly signed to American indie rock powerhouse Merge Records for the release of sophomore album Uyai in 2017. With this release, the eight-member group continues its blend of West African rhythms, disco, funk, and electro, adding a bit more post-punk and new wave this time around ... Uyai is a fine, boundary-pushing follow-up to an arresting debut".


d. 28. feb. 2017



Adriane Pontecorvo

d. 28. feb. 2017

"Ibibio Sound Machine's sophomore album is a nonstop block party, bursting with summer soul, retro electronics, and funky Afrobeat ... Ibibio Sound Machine is now in full control of its sound, and it's that knowledge that allows the group to truly let loose".


d. 7. mar. 2017



Minna Zhou

d. 7. mar. 2017

"Led by singer Eno Williams, Uyai becomes a wildly diverse mix of global sounds whose focus this time has turned to themes of liberation, power, and beauty-specifically that of women ... With all these musical influences and elements at play, Uyai could easily be a chaotic mess. For the most part, it's not, but every element doesn't always feel necessary".


d. 24. apr. 2017



Kim Skotte

d. 24. apr. 2017

"Afrobeat og highlife er to af de store vestafrikanske poptraditioner, der, som navnet antyder, hos Ibibio fusionerer med Sound System-kulturen. Elektronikken syder og bobler i et britisk band, der gerne vil være dansabelt, men ikke for enhver pris, og som i Eno Williams har en sangerinde, der har hjerte, stilfornemmelse og fortællefornemmelse, men knap og nap divaformat. Ibibio Sound Machine er interessant snarere end decideret uimodståeligt. Når 'Uyai' inviterer til lige lovlig diskrete kropsudfoldelser, skyldes det måske også, at Ibibios producer, saxofonist og synthmand, Max Grunhard, til daglig er jazzsaxofonist af den svale støbning. Men på numre som det hidsige 'Trance Dance', diskofunken 'The Chant' ('Iquo Isang') og det charmerende 'One That Lights Up' kan man med glæde konstatere, at Ibibio Sound Machine ikke er helt galt afmarcheret med en titel som 'The Pot Is on Fire'. Gryden står knap nok i lys lue, men det ulmer og bobler ganske lovende".