Musik / solosang

Vienna : Fin de siècle

Anmeldelser (11)

The guardian

d. 27. sep. 2018



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 27. sep. 2018

"Hannigan's voice wraps itself lovingly around these vocal lines, savouring every chromatic morsel ... She conveys the trembling fragility and pastel colours of this music with such perfect tact, and De Leeuw measures the accompaniments so precisely, leaving their unresolved dissonances hanging in space, that a whole expressive world seems perfectly evoked".

MusicWeb international

2018 October



Michael Cookson

2018 October

"Hannigan's focused soprano has a seductively appealing tone which is bright and fluid. Her superb singing is outstanding in itself but, beyond this, her overall performances are both stylish and accurate without, thankfully, sounding studied ... Containing beautiful late-Romantic Lieder, superbly performed by Hannigan and Leeuw, 'Vienna: Fin de Siècle' is a special album".

Presto classical

d. 30. sep. 2018



Katherine Cooper

d. 30. sep. 2018

"Editor's choices - September 2018: I'm used to slightly bigger, more substantial voices in the songs of Berg and Schoenberg, but no-one could accuse the magnetic Canadian soprano of lacking in sensuality: her supple, slender soprano has its own unique colour-palette (she specialises in shimmery golds and creams which put me in mind of Gustav Klimt), and she's supremely alive to the strange beauty of the poetry ... Sheer voluptuous delight from start to finish".

BBC music magazine

2018 Christmas



Natasha Loges

2018 Christmas

"This fine recording draws together six closely-linked figures from fin-de-siècle Vienna ... Hannigan's luminous voice perfectly suits the music. She conveys the uneasy, almost unhinged feel of the fin de siècle not only in her lyric singing, but also in her crooning, swooping, sliding, whispering and weeping. Reinbert de Leeuw matches her with his delicate touch, and his sense of layering in the carefully terraced accompaniments ... For me, the seven Zemlinsky songs were a revelation ... Frühlingstag is exquisitely, unforgettably beautiful".

Classical music

2018 November



Francis Muzzu

2018 November

"Barbara Hannigan's Fin de Siècle focuses on the final Viennese swoon of tonality before musical revolution gatecrashed the party ... Hannigan and her pianist, Reinbert de Leeuw, collaborate seamlessly to craete a magical soundworld. Her voice has a surprising richness, almost voluptuous, in Schoenberg and Berg, but she adopts a far more blanched tone for Webern ... A real case of intelligent performance proving that less really can be more".

Fono Forum

2019 Februar



Gerhard Persché

2019 Februar

"Mit Reinbert de Leeuw examinierte Barbara Hannigan bereits Erik Saties Mélodies und Chansons auf CD, und Gleiches tut sie nun auch mit diesen Lieder am Tor zur Moderne. Sie spielt ihre vielfältigen Erfahrungen mit Neuer Musik bestechend aus, wobei sie Distanz zum schwärmerisch-schwelgeischen Gestus ... bewahrt. Sie verzichtet keineswegs auf Emotion, vermittelt Gefühle jedoch mit kristalliner Klarheit ... Pianist Reinbert de Leeuw ... begleitet in schöpferischem Gleichklang sensibel und Souverän. Auf dieser Weise ist ein fabelhaft ausbalanciertes, die fiebrige Treibhausatmosphäre des Wiener Fin de Siècle wie mit den Silberstift nachzeichnendes Album entstanden".

Operabladet Ascolta

(2018) 37. årgang nr. 3



Henrik Marcussen

(2018) 37. årgang nr. 3

"Det første indtryk, man danner sig ved denne væsentlige cd, er det intelligente valg, hvormed Wienerskolens største navne er samlede med tidlige senromantiske sange ... Hannigans alsidige stemme smyger sig smukt og med vel kontrolleret vibrato om tekstgrundlaget, hvilket er væsentligt i en så gennem kromatisk stil ... hvor Barbara Hannigan med sin sensitivitet får mere frem af den sårbarhed".


2019, nr. 52



Esben Tange (f. 1961)

2019, nr. 52

"Sehnsucht - kan delvis oversættes med længsel - er omdrejningspunktet på dette fornemme album med Barbara Hannigan, der er en af vor tids mest forfinede og kunstnerisk interessante sopraner, når det gælder ny og nyere musik, og hollandske Reinbert de Leeuw, der ud over at være dirigent og komponist er en dybt beåndet pianist ... på et smukt sammensat program. I et romantisk farvet tonesprog ... behandler Hannigan og De Leeuw på samme tid musikken uhyre nænsomt og med den største indlevelse. Resultatet er en musik, der fremstår magisk og svævende".


2018 novembre



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2018 novembre


2018, nr. 86



Erik Wallrup

2018, nr. 86

"Det råder Hannigan-feber i Sverige ... Nya skivan, Vienna: Fin de Siecle, får gärna dra ut på febertopparna - en djupdykning i förra sekelslutets musik ... Överallt briljerar Hannigan med sin extremt flexibla, skimrande, interpretationsvilliga sopran. I par med nutida musik-specialisten Reinbert de Leeuw ... uträttar hon smärra underverk ... Hannigan är en expert på att göra de svårgripbara kvinnogestalterna övertygande. Inga skabloner".

The gramophone

2018 December



Hugo Shirley

2018 December

"The delivery is intimate, confiding and almost coquettish. De Leeuw offers gentle, patient and discreet accompaniment. Hannigan's voice is lithe and flexible rather than rich and firm ... You might, like me, find yourself thinking more of the cabaret than the concert hall. At times it's supremely seductive ... And her high notes in Berg's 'Schilflied' are difficult to resist".