Musik / violinkoncerter

Violin concertos

Anmeldelser (13)

The guardian

d. 28. aug. 2014



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 28. aug. 2014

"The tone of Skride's performance is set even before she makes her first appearance, as Vasily Petrenko launches the glinting, nocturnal introduction ... When the violinist does enter, the crisply-etched profile of her playing ensures that the performance never lingers, nor is it allowed to be purely decorative. It brings a totally fresh perspective to the work".

Classics today

d. 5. mar. 2007



David Hurwitz

d. 5. mar. 2007

"These two violin concertos comprise some of the finest music for violin and orchestra written in the 20th century ... The early, impressionistic Nocturne and Tarantella makes an extremely attractive encore, and the sonics, as usual from this source, are very good. I can very easily recommend this disc as a first choice".

MusicWeb international

2018 September



Rob Barnett

2018 September

"Credit to whoever came up with the idea of matching up the two Szymanowski concertos with the less common but increasingly recorded Karłowicz ... Little is the master of the fine and juicy vibrato, all carefully under control yet lively ... These versions of the two concertos brim with character ... An irresistibly compiled, performed and recorded CD of three Polish violin concertos from the late-romantic and folk-impressionist eras".

MusicWeb international

2014 November



Leslie Wright

2014 November

"Vurdering: Recording of the month" - "Skride has a vast range of colours in her violin tone and Petrenko provides very detailed accompaniment ... For an all-Szymanowski programme, this current one will be hard to equal. Indeed, the artists have set a new standard for the violin concertos ... I have reviewed many superb recordings this year, but none finer than this one".

BBC music magazine

2017 November



John Allison (f. 1965)

2017 November

"This programme makes undeniable sense ... The Karlowicz ... is nevertheless invigorating in such a fine perfromance as this".

Fono Forum

2018 April



Carlos María Solare

2018 April

"Szymanowskis Violinkonzerte weisen unterschiedlichste Klangwelten auf ... Tasmin Little arbeitet den klanglichen Kontrast fein heraus, wenn sie mit einer breiten Klangfarbenpalette ans Werk geht: seiden-samtig in den Träumereien des ersten, schroff-rustikal im zweiten Stück. Das 1902 entstandene Konzert von Mieczysław Karłowicz steht ganz in der Tradition der Schlachtrösser des 19. Jahrhunderts: Virtuosenfutter erster Sahne, von Tasmin Little dankbar aufgegriffen".


2009 avril



Jean-Charles Hoffelé

2009 avril

BBC music magazine

2014 Christmas



Martin Cotton

2014 Christmas

"Vurdering: BBC music concerto choice" - "This music is often described as heady and perfumed, and there's no shortage of those qualities in Baiba Skride's performance, which is full of tonal variety, and fearless in the often vertiginous tessitura".

Fono Forum

2007 September



W. Pf.

2007 September

"Vurdering: Empfehlung des Monats" - "Einer der wohl besten des Naxos-Kataloges. Ilya Kaler ist der überlegene Solist, er gestaltet mit grossem Atem und mit einer in jeder Situation verlässlichen Technik ... Ein prachtvolles Panorama von Farben baut sich vor dem Hörer auf; es funkelt und glüht aus dem Orchesterrund, auch die Spannungsverläufe hat Wit souverän im Griff".

The gramophone

2017 October



Mark Pullinger

2017 October

"Her Szymanowski is as fine as Thomas Zehetmair's, long the benchmark recording of these two concertos; but, with the Karlowicz thrown in, this makes a highly recommendable alternative".

The gramophone

2014 November



Rob Cowan (f. 1948)

2014 November

"Skride easily holds her own in illustrious company, her tone silvery bright, her responses to Vasily Petrenko's alert (but never spiky) accompaniment quick off the mark. The lyrical aspects of the work - and there are many - are conveyed with a winning sense of poetry".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 40, nr. 8 (2007)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 40, nr. 8 (2007)

"De to koncerter er helt fantastiske, nr. 1 nærmest impressionistisk, nr. 2 mere folklorepræget ... Solisten er i særklasse, og Antoni Wit får alt ud af sit polske orkester. På alle måder betydeligt".

The gramophone

2007 July



Edward Greenfield

2007 July

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Ilya Kaler, as on his other Naxos discs, gives pure, clear readings with flawless intonation and careful use of vibrato ... The point which trumps all competition inevitably is that the Naxos issue, beautifully and idiomatically played and brilliantly recorded, comes at such a reasonable price".