Music / solosang

Orchestral songs

Reviews (16)

The guardian

d. 4. Jan. 2017



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 4. Jan. 2017

"Finley sings them all with his usual finesse and careful shading, reserving his full power for the few genuinely climactic moments ... The subtle, respectful orchestrations wrap around his voice like a glove ... Gardner and his orchestra include very fine performances of three orchestral works".

MusicWeb international

2022 November



Ralph Moore (musikanmelder)

2022 November

"Recommended: Norwegian mezzo-soprano Marianne Beate Kielland has tended to specialise in the baroque and early Romantic, but she also recorded and performed what we might call a lot of "Nordic" repertoire and has here turned her attention to eighteen of Sibelius' finest orchestral songs ... The songs are in themselves unfailingly melodic and easily assimilated. Kudos to the Czech conductor Petr Popelka, the soloists and the ensemble of the Norwegian Radio Orchestra for effortlessly encompassing the wide range of moods, textures and the sonorities here, from the lush to the spare ... This recital will open up a new world for many a Sibelius enthusiast unfamiliar with these lovely songs".

The observer

d. 1. Oct. 2022



Fiona Maddocks

d. 1. Oct. 2022

"Mezzo Marianne Beate Kielland dazzles in orchestral versions of Sibelius's songs ... Kielland's even tone, flexibility and brilliant sensitivity to the text make this a rewarding collection, the intensity and drama of each song powerful and impassioned".

Presto classical

d. 30. Dec. 2016



Katherine Cooper

d. 30. Dec. 2016

"Presto disc of the week: Rautavaara's orchestrations are so convincingly Sibelian that on first hearing I completely forgot I wasn't listening to the The Real Thing ... Finley is in magnificent voice throughout: though it's relatively uncommon to find non-Finnish singers tackling this repertoire, he seems completely at home with both the sound-world and the texts".

MusicWeb international

2017 March



Leslie Wright

2017 March

"The title of this disc refers to a selection of Sibelius songs that the late Finnish composer Einojuhani Rautavaara orchestrated specifically for Gerald Finley. Rautavaara made the selection himself, choosing songs which suited Finley's voice ... Gerald Finley is in splendid voice and seems perfectly matched to the music in these songs ... This disc deserves a place on the shelves of all Sibelius devotees and fans of Gerald Finley alike".

BBC music magazine

2006 July



Michael Scott Rohan

2006 July

"Soile Isokoskis voice has matured into a powerful instrument without losing its distinctively plangent expressiveness and intense way with words ... And the recording, excellent in CD stereo, is utterly stunning in multichannel SACD ... Between performance and recording this would be my prime recommendation for Luonnotar, but this whole discs a Sibelian essential".

Fono Forum

2006 August




2006 August

"Den schwierigen, mehr zu erzählenden als auszusingenden Solopart deutet Iskokoski mit hochdramatischen Impetus".

Fono Forum

2023 Dezember



Michael Kube

2023 Dezember

BBC music magazine

2023 January



Steve Wright (musikanmelder)

2023 January

"These four cycles of Sibelius songs come from the 1890s and early 1900s. Like the contemporaneous First and Second Symphonies, a Romantic warmth pulsates from these rich, lyrical works. Mezzo Kielland balances purity and ardour perfectly".

The gramophone

2007 July



John Steane

2007 July

"Today [the voice] is a little more worn but still lovely, firm and ample in range ... The are limitations even so, some of them technical ... Yet the recital always gives pleasure, and the challenge of Luonnotar itself is joyfully met. The orchestra play with full appreciation of the richly coloured scores, and since Flagstad in the 1950s there have been few recordings which provide these genuinely enhancing accompaniments as an alternative to the piano".

Berlingske tidende

d. 2. Aug. 2000


d. 2. Aug. 2000


d. 3. July 2002


d. 3. July 2002

The gramophone

2022 December



Andrew Mellor

2022 December

"This neat compilation of orchestral songs comes from a bright-voiced Norwegian mezzo I have long admired ... exceptionally conducted by Petr Popelka, who points up the Nordic Noir in these gloomy poems ... Attractive singing, good musicianship and general sensitivity help make up for that, and create an album whose constituent parts might not beat others but do endear as a whole".


2017, nr. 74



Camilla Lundberg

2017, nr. 74

"Fjorton sånger inalles, interfolierade av tre vackra orkesterverk gör detta till en sällsynt attraktiv och generös Sibeliusutgåva ... Och som han [Gerald Finley] sjunger dem! Denne kultiverade kanadensare har länge varit en barytonfavorit; nu imponeras jag även av hans svenska uttal. Behöver inget texthäfte till det".


2017 mai



Nicolas Derny

2017 mai

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2017 February



David Gutman

2017 February

"Winningly sung ... Gardner ... is persuasive too, enhancing this impressive if idiosyncratic programme".