Music / solosang


Reviews (9)

The guardian

d. 5. Nov. 2020



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 5. Nov. 2020

"Nigl's performance is beautifully controlled, suave almost; his soft-grained voice wraps itself easily around Rihm's smoothly contoured vocal lines ... There's an easy familiarity about their Schubert performances, an almost private intimacy in which nothing is overstated ... It's a thoughtful, rewarding collection".

Presto classical

d. 30. Nov. 2020



Katherine Cooper

d. 30. Nov. 2020

"Editor's choices - November 2020: Having previously only heard Austrian baritone Georg Nigl as Wozzeck, the fine-boned, almost tenor-ish quality of the voice on this luminous recital took me pleasantly by surprise, and Pashchenko (playing a replica of an 1819 Graf instrument in the earlier songs) matches his delicacy and sensitivity to the hilt. The spare beauty of Rihm's Vermischter Traum (which the pair premiered in 2017) is absolutely spellbinding, and flows with beguiling naturalness into the final set of Schubert songs about night and dreams".


d. 15. Apr. 2015



Jens Povlsen

d. 15. Apr. 2015

"Der er overskud på alle leder og kanter på Padmores nye album, og uden at ligge i fosterstilling tager han Mozart og Haydn pænt i hånden. For selvom Padmores ungdommelige stemme er fuld af indadvendt alvor, er den samtidig så følsomt afrundet og levende leveret, at den kratter på sjælens indervæg".

BBC music magazine

2015 July



George Hall (musikanmelder)

2015 July

"There's a keen sense of working hand-in-glove between the two performers".


2015 mai



Hélène Cao

2015 mai

Fono Forum

2015 Juli



Christoph Zimmermann

2015 Juli

"Mark Padmore gestaltet mit seiner (etwas unerotischen) Stimme hochsensibel, was das delikate Spiel Bezuidenhouts unterstreicht ... Programm und Darbietung eine reine Freude".


2021, nr. 60



Henrik Engelbrecht

2021, nr. 60

"Her er Beethoven og Schubert side om side med den 68-årige Wolfgang Rihm. Resultatet er fremragende fra start til slut ... Jeg var fra første frase fuldstændig fanget ind i den langt mere intime verden, Nigl her skaber med pianisten Olga Pashchenko. Og de magiske øjeblikke står i kø ... Med Wolfgang Rihms sangcyklus 'Vermischter Traum' fra 2017 ... er vi pludselig i en helt anden verden. Med total overlegenhed skifter de to musikere gear til et større udtryk ... stadig med minutiøs præcision i hver en frase og eminent overskud i både detaljer og de lange linjer. Jeg kan på det varmeste anbefale Georg Nigls og Olga Pashchenkos gennemførte cd-projekt".

The gramophone

2015 May



Richard Wigmore

2015 May

"Mark Padmore combines an acute intelligence with an unvarnished directness in all he sings. In symbiotic partnership with fortepianist Kristian Bezuidenhout, Padmore 'lives' all of these songs, noticing everything, exaggerating nothing ... Padmore is an eager and touching storyteller ... In An Die Ferne Geliebte Padmore and Bezuidenhout catch naturally, unfussily, the oscillations between stillness and excited anticipation, dream and desire. This is a true dialogue between voice and keyboard, as it should be".

The gramophone

2021 February



Hugo Shirley

2021 February

"Editor's choice: The voice - a distinctive instrument offering a hint of Christian Gerhaher's refined artlessness and some of the pleasingly acidic tang of Wolfgang Holzmair - changes according to the accompaniment: feathery and intimate with fortepiano, declamatory and full with piano ... All in all, this is a beguiling, intelligent and supremely sensitive recital, which continues to resonate long after its last note has died away. Highly recommended".