Musik / soul

A perfect contradiction

Anmeldelser (3)

Bibliotekernes vurdering

d. 28. mar. 2014



Thomas Tiedje

d. 28. mar. 2014

"Can't rely on you" er den seneste single fra Paloma Faith, og den er selvfølgelig produceret af tidens største popprins, Pharrell Williams. Ellers er der tressersoul og halvfjerserdisco at spore på den britiske sangerindes tredje album, og det svinger ganske godt, om end det er hørt før. For Paloma savner stadig personlighed og halter efter sangerinder som Adele og Duffy.

The observer

d. 9. mar. 2014



Nadia Khomami

d. 9. mar. 2014

"Faith's vocals are too theatrically overdone to be moving, and the songs too generic to reach any level of grandeur. Recent single Can't Rely on You, produced and co-written by Pharrell Williams, sounds like all the other chart hits that have come before it, and slower numbers lack poetry".





Matt Collar


"British vocalist Paloma Faith's third studio album, 2014's A Perfect Contradiction, is a slick, funky production featuring several big-name songwriters, from Pharrell Williams to Raphael Saadiq. In the post-Amy Winehouse world of soulful, '60s-centric, dance-oriented divas, Faith has always leaned toward the artier end of the spectrum, setting her cherubic yet impossibly robust vocals against her Frida Kahlo-meets-Dusty Springfield persona ... It's Faith's irrepressible enthusiasm and unbridled vocal ability that shine the most on A Perfect Contradiction, and having musicians like Pharrell and Saadiq around just works to sweeten the deal".