Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphonies 1 & 2

Anmeldelser (19)

The guardian

d. 1. maj 2014



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 1. maj 2014

"The Violin Concerto, with Tasmin Little as the soloist, is the more convincing of the performances ... Symphony No 1, however, is more problematic, seriously undermined by a lack of tautness in the outer movements".

The observer

d. 26. nov. 2017



Fiona Maddocks

d. 26. nov. 2017

"Walton's two symphonies mark a fresh departure. Symphony No 1 (1935) ... opens ... with a broad, outdoor canter and an unmistakable splash of Sibelius. By the last movement, Walton's own majestic, brass-rich orchestral voice takes over ... In contrast, the second symphony has lighter textures, with echoes of Stravinsky, and, surprisingly for a more rear garde composer, ventures into atonality. Brass and woodwind shine throughout, and the BSO strings sound punchy and lithe".

MusicWeb international

2014 May



John Quinn (musikanmelder)

2014 May

"This is a compelling coupling of exceptionally fine Walton performances. The Chandos recordings of both performances are superb ... Both these performances now become the modern benchmark for the respective works".

MusicWeb international

2017 December



Ian Lace

2017 December

"Recording of the month: Karabits's new recording of Walton's First Symphony can be placed alongside Previn's much admired recording but Previn's is outclassed now in terms of this splendid Onyx recorded sound: warm, spacious, with wide perspectives and so full of detail ... Walton's Second Symphony ... Karabits weaves magic here. There is a plaintive poignancy and an agitated questioning tartness but also a lyrical almost out-of-this-world mood of solace ... The whole rounds off in jubilation".

Fono Forum

2010 Oktober



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2010 Oktober

"Doch selten haben Waltons Sinfonien so blass und unentschieden geklungen".


2015, nr. 59



Gunnar Lanzky-Otto

2015, nr. 59

"Den är verkligen mycket bra, orkesterspelet är klart ekstraordinärt ... Den härliga violinkonserten spelas utmärkt av Tasmin Little ... samspelet med orkester och dirigent är förträffligt".


2014, nr. 34



Andrew Mellor

2014, nr. 34

"I modsætning til Elgar er William Waltons største orkesterværker ikke hans symfonier, men hans koncerter ... Tasmin Littles spil [i violinkoncerten] ... har en renhed, en intens sødme og et ufejlbarligt fokus ... Symfonien ved siden af den mere kalejdoskopiske Violinkoncert er frustrerende at lytte til - selv hvis opførelsen er fuld af ypperlig detaljerigdom, artikulation og omtanke".

BBC music magazine

2014 June



Malcolm Hayes

2014 June

"Vurdering: BBC music choice - Vurdering: Recording of the month" - "Little's way with the virtuoso passages is a notch less headlong than [on her earlier recording], allowing the ear to savour her phenomenal accuracy, yet with no loss of fire ... Gardner and the BBC SO provide an accompaniment whose range of detail ... is never driven too hard ... A masterclass in how to generate formidable dramatic voltage while keeping the music's eruptive energy on a tight rein".

BBC music magazine

2018 January



Malcolm Hayes

2018 January

"The Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra's delivery of the score is a tribute to the standard that can be taken for granted from today's players: One notoriously tricky passage after another ... is brought off with top-flight panache and accuracy ... Brilliant precision in the Scherzo, successful avoidance of over-emotive juice-extraction in the slow movement, an immaculately paced finale, and warm and super-clear sound-quality all contribute to a recording that's something special".

International record review

2011 July/August



Robert Matthew-Walker

2011 July/August

"Vurdering: IRR outstanding" - "I have no doubt that this disc enshrines great conducting of a great orchestra in great music; the result is a record in a thousand".

BBC music magazine

2011 September



Malcolm Hayes

2011 September

"In the First Symphony's more familiar territory, Brabbins never lets the music off the tight rein it requires, so that it sounds all the more powerful as a result ... Siesta diappoints however ... The Second Symphony ... immaculately delivered here".

International record review

2010 September



Robert Matthew-Walker

2010 September

"Hughes is quite outstanding in the earlier work; he paces and shapes the first movement with total conviction ... All in all, this admirable disc is strongly recommended".

International record review

2006 June



Robert Matthew-Walker

2006 June

"What is surely beyond dispute is that this is a performance that will stand the test of time for generations to come ... The only slight blot on the landscape is the booklet, poorly proofed and edited. None the less, here is a great record to add to your collection".

The gramophone

2006 August



Edward Greenfield

2006 August

"This music may have been inspired by a frustrated love affair rather than anything to do with world politics, but it stands as a symbol of its times, and Previn powerfully conveys that. Meanwhile, this new disc earns a very warm welcome".

The gramophone

2014 July



Andrew Achenbach

2014 July

"Vurdering: Recording of the month - Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Gardner presides over blisteringly eloquent and splendidly unbuttoned accounts of both these Walton masterworks ... Heaps to savour and cherish, in sum; certainly, seasoned Waltonians will have a ball. With magnificent truthful sound and judicious balance throughout, this terrific coupling should be snapped up without delay".

The gramophone

2017 December



Andrew Achenbach

2017 December

"It's the First Symphony which comes off by far better on this new Onyx coupling. Kirill Karabits keeps a steady hand on the structural tiller, elicits an impressively secure orchestral response and excavates plenty of ear-pricking detail ... A most enjoyable performance ... Unfortunately, I'm altogether less happy with Karabit's reading of the Second Symphony".