Musik / klassiske symfonier

Symphonies 1 & 3 'Scottish'

Anmeldelser (20)

Klassik heute

d. 9. maj 2016



Christof Jetzschke

d. 9. maj 2016

"Einen so transparenten, straffen und pittoresken Mendelssohn habe ich noch nicht gehört, weder bei Roger Norrington noch bei Thomas Hengelbrock. Bravo!".





James Leonard


"In these vital super audio recordings from BIS, Andrew Litton and the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra bring such enthusiasm and high spirits to these fine and frisky performances of Mendelssohn's First and Fourth symphonies and his Ruy Blas Overture that only the curmudgeonliest of curmudgeons could complain about the duplication of standard repertoire".

MusicWeb international

2022 January



Dave Billinge

2022 January

"Horst Scholz, the author of the extensive booklet essay, sees the First as new departure for the fifteen-year-old Mendelssohn ... There is a new weight and vitality in this piece, fully brought out by Dausgaard's vigorous direction and his excellent Swedish Chamber Orchestra ... The Scottish is an altogether larger work conceptually, inspired by the composer's visits to Scotland ... This performance is as good as any I have heard. The SCO play in the fast passages for all they are worth. Dausgaard clearly expects one hundred percent, and it sounds like he mostly gets it ... The use of a chamber orchestra results in a more equal balance between strings and winds, which I suspect was Mendelssohn's intention".

DR musik

2016 uge 41



Jens Cornelius

2016 uge 41

"Vurdering: Ugens album" - "Albummet er næstsidste del af en komplet serie med de fem Mendelssohn-symfonier, indspillet af London Symfoniorkester og dirigenten John Eliot Gardiner. I 1990'erne indspillede Gardiner Symfoni nr. 4 med Wiener Filharmonikerne, men den nye London-indspilning er meget bedre. Mere præcis, mere lysende, mere levende og sjov. Alle mand er på tæerne, og det skal man være, når man beskæftiger sig med Mendelssohn".


d. 4. jan. 2022



Valdemar Lønsted

d. 4. jan. 2022

"Det Svenske Kammerorkester og Thomas Dausgaard er et af de sjældne partnerskaber, som udviklede sig til en glædelig undtagelse i orkesterverdenens hovedstrøm. Ved at strække sig over lang tid og ved konstant at bryde grænserne for, hvad et kammerorkester kan magte med overbevisning i den symfoniske litteratur. Det begyndte i 1997, da Dausgaard tiltrådte som chefdirigent, og varede, indtil han fratrådte i 2019 ... I sidste måned udkom et album med Symfoni nr. 1 og Symfoni nr. 3 »Den skotske«, men samarbejdet fortsætter ikke, dette blev Dausgaards sidste indspilning med det svenske orkester ... At høre Mendelssohn spillet med en sådan fyrighed, skarphed og pågåenhed er faktisk usædvanligt".

BBC music magazine

2016 September



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2016 September

"There's no mistaking the inventiveness of many of the textures [in the Widmann], with the orchestra at times matching the soloist in technical address, and certainly the fade-out ending is beautifully managed".

Fono Forum

2016 August



Michael Kube

2016 August

"Jörg Widmann gehört zu jener heute nurmehr kleinen Gruppe von Musikern, die mehrere der sonst recht scharf voneinander getrennten Bereiche auf hohem Niveau abdecken: Komponist, Instrumentalist, Dirigent ... Bei Widmann jedenfalls muss man sich ... keine Sorgen machen ... wie auch diese Einspielung mit dem höchst beweglichen, hervorragend disponierten und an der Stuhlkante agierenden irischen Kammerorchester zeigt".

BBC music magazine

2010 February



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2010 February

"Vurdering: BBC music choice" - "This one of the most enjoyable discs, I've listened to in a long time ... You can sense Mendelssohn's sheer fun in the finals".

BBC music magazine

2022 March



Jessica Duchen

2022 March

"Dausgaard homes in on Mendelssohn's fiery energy, setting the Swedish Chamber Orchestra's playing satisfactorily ablaze. The approach pays dividends in No. 1, which flares out in brilliant technicolour, Nevertheless, perhaps the 'Scottish' begins to suffer from a surfeit of the hard drive, so to speak ... In short, it is extremely well performed, but a little bit relentless".

Fono Forum

2017 April



Thomas Schulz (f. 1960)

2017 April

"An Niveau mangelt es der Einspielung gewiss nicht: Das Orchester aus Hannover ist in allen Stimmgruppen trefflich besetzt und verfügt über eine imponierende Klangkultur ... Seine Sichtweise auf Mendelssohn ist in erster Linie als klassisch zu bezeichnen ... Weniger überzeugt jedoch Manzes Interpretation der Schottischen ... Von dieser Einspielung hatte ich mir mehr erwartet".


2017 juillet-août



Julien Hanck

2017 juillet-août

BBC music magazine

2017 May



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2017 May

"Clean playing, excellent speeds, a manageble reverbaration time ... but the recording is less happy".

Fono Forum

2016 Dezember



Bernd Feuchtner

2016 Dezember

"Gardiner dirigiert die schnellste "Italienische", die ich kenne. Man spürt nicht nur die frische Luft, sondern auch die drängende Lust".

BBC music magazine

2016 December



Misha Donat

2016 December

"Gardiner keeps the LSO on its toes both in the C minor work and the Italian symphony, the winds producing crystal-clear articulation the hair-raisingly fast account of the latter's concluding saltarello. He also effectively brings out the undercurrent of unease in the C minor work's slow movement, and the final reprise of its theme is quite beautifully handled ... Yet there's insufficient weight of string tone, especially from the violins, to convey the music's intensity and romantic ardour".

The gramophone

2016 September



Peter Quantrill

2016 September

"Jörg Widmann meets the challenge with vigour and in some style ... The overture-like gestures of the outer movements are swifter and more agile than his full-symphonic competitors, and the Irish Chamber Orchestra are more sweetly blended than the period-style Netherlands Symphony Orchestra".

The gramophone

2010 June



Richard Wigmore

2010 June

"Andrew Litton offers an exhilarating Italian ... Divisi violins enhace Litton's fresh, vivacious performance of the Italian, above all in the finale's whirling contrapuntal imbroglios. The athletic Bergen orchestra (articulation superbly crisp and precise) produce marvels of lightness at speed here ... An exhilarating, thoroughly enjoyable Italian".


2022, nr. 108



Camilla Lundberg

2022, nr. 108

"Kombon av de bägge symfonierna är idealisk och passar verkligen dessa musiker. Dausgaard, alltid på tårna i sina ivriga tempi ... Skarpa dissonanser, markerade accenter, suckande fraseringar på gränsen til flåsiga. Örebromusikerna svarar honom i samma anda. Skotska symfonin, som kan kännas tradig i sin a-molliga kolorit, blir här levande och omväxlande".

The gramophone

2017 June



Richard Wigmore

2017 June

"Two litmus tests in any performance of Mendelssohn's glorious Scottish Symphony are the Adagio third movement and the final peroration ... Andrew Manze comes close to my ideal in both ... Energy, textural clarity and some fabulous woodwind-playing are also hallmarks of the Mozart-meets-Weber First Symphony".


2016 decembre



Rémy Louis

2016 decembre

"Vurdering: Diapason d'or".

The gramophone

2016 October



Peter Quantrill

2016 October

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "The outer movements are fiery but not over-driven, and the phrase-ends turn on a sixpence. I have not heard the slow movement better done ... The strings of the LSO display unrivalled agility here ... The finale never quite spins out of control but sounds as though it might at any moment. Outstanding".