Musik / electronica


Anmeldelser (5)

Rolling stone

d. 17. apr. 2014



Will Hermes

d. 17. apr. 2014

"Like a soulman version of OG selfie pioneer Cindy Sherman, Sohn casts his falsetto in blues-worthy scenarios - a one-man band balancing songcraft and heady post-dubstep production better than James Blake or Rhye, two inevitable comparisons. Yet Sohn, who has remixed Disclosure and others, is his own man-machine".


d. 7. apr. 2014



Martin Young

d. 7. apr. 2014

"Tremors is a remarkably assured debut from a musician who has clearly spent years honing his craft. It's both expressive and inventive while still retaining that alluring degree of mystery. Sohn's decision to take his time and halt the progress of the hype train has certainly paid off".

Gaffa [online]

d. 8. apr. 2014



Veronica Larsen

d. 8. apr. 2014

"remors er en bearbejdning af sorg, måske den, der opleves af et knust hjerte ved tabet af den første store kærlighed. For den flygtige lytter kan det tage sig en smule melodramatisk ud: Rejs dig op! Men for den følsomme, som ved, at ingen følelser er for små til at føles, som de helt store gør, udretter Christopher noget modigt. Han sætter dem på ord og bader dem i rumklang, om og om igen, fordi det er sådan, de føles".


d. 7. apr. 2014



Martin Young

d. 7. apr. 2014

"Tremors is a remarkably assured debut from a musician who has clearly spent years honing his craft. It's both expressive and inventive while still retaining that alluring degree of mystery. Sohn's decision to take his time and halt the progress of the hype train has certainly paid off".

Rolling stone

d. 17. apr. 2014



Will Hermes

d. 17. apr. 2014

"Like a soulman version of OG selfie pioneer Cindy Sherman, Sohn casts his falsetto in blues-worthy scenarios - a one-man band balancing songcraft and heady post-dubstep production better than James Blake or Rhye, two inevitable comparisons. Yet Sohn, who has remixed Disclosure and others, is his own man-machine".