Musik / klassiske symfonier

Verklärte Nacht Op. 4

Anmeldelser (19)

Classics today




Joseph Stevenson


"This is Zubin Mehta's second recorded version of these cornerstone works ... the new readings improve in depth and formal insight. Verklärte Nacht, played by a smaller string orchestra, has less momentary emotionalism than before and therefore conveys a truer, richer flow of feelings in the dialogue between the man and woman. But there is one moment in the score that must stand out emotionally--the glorious shift to C major, where unconditional love and forgiveness transfigures the bleak night. This release's flaw is that this moment is understated, costing the work some of its payoff. So while the very successful Chamber Symphony improves on its predecessor, I'd rather hear the Decca Verklärte Nacht".

The guardian

d. 12. sep. 2013



Andrew Clements (musikanmelder)

d. 12. sep. 2013

" Sherry and his group catch that sense of boundless energy and exuberant experimentalism perfectly, while always keeping a firm grip on the piece's structure. They mould the string-sextet version of Verklärte Nacht equally artfully, with every instrumental line beautifully presented. These are top-quality performances at bargain price".

The guardian

d. 18. maj 2012



Martin Kettle

d. 18. maj 2012

"Koncertanmeldelse: Jansen's pick-up supergroup ... gave a wonderfully organic account of the Schoenberg. Some of the playing was absolutely breathtaking, from the dark gravity of the opening, potently played by Maintz, to the gossamer delicacy of the interplay between Jansen and Brovtsyn as the light of dawn begins to glimmer. But then came the ne plus ultra, the infinitely lyrical and endlessly serious quintet ... even the Schoenberg was overshadowed. Though the individual contributions were predictably striking ... it was the vivid ensemble interplay that most gripped the attention throughout, with the two cellos always anchoring the work's astonishingly varied inspiration in a darker world. This was a performance to last long years in the mind".





James Manheim


"The Glass Chamber Players deliver a smooth performance of the sextet Verklärte Nacht, Op. 4; what it may lack in sheer guts it more than makes up for with rich textures and sustained momentum. Likewise, Glass lovers may be surprised by how well the Symphony No. 3 adapts to the chamber music medium".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 26. juni 2013



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 26. juni 2013

"Den 35-årige hollandske violinist Janine Jansen har på en ny cd samlet nogle strygerkolleger og byder på to mesterværker i den vægtige ende af skalaen ... Findes i et væld af fremragende indspilninger, men Janine og hendes venner hævder sig smukt selv blandt de bedste. Der er mere end 70 år mellem de to værker på denne skive, men de opleves i den grad som åndsbeslægtede".


d. 15. maj 2007



Jan Jacoby

d. 15. maj 2007

"Artemis forener poleret perfektion med en stærk fornemmelse for indre sammenhæng og konsekvens og for det dramatisk fortællende i musikken. Spændende, udtryksmættet og bedøvende smukt".

Berlingske tidende

d. 28. feb. 2006



Søren H. Schauser

d. 28. feb. 2006

"Tre vidunderlige stykker fra det 20. århundrede ... en virkelig god plade".


d. 14. juni 2013



Peter Johannes Erichsen

d. 14. juni 2013

"For den nyankomne er kvintetten med sine 53 minutter en sjælsrejse i tid om kap med Beethovens Eroicasymfoni. Man ... lader de fem strygere åbne for fire sælsomme interiører ... bestandig puffende omkring med den lyttende, når det eruptive eller det fastfrysende ændrer vilkåret for nydelse ... Janine Jansen og venner lodder de schubertske afgrunde, som sande virtuoser stryger gennem gletscherspalter ... Janine Jansen celebrerer dette [Schönberg] vidunderlige fortættede stykke musik med sit strygerensemble og fremelsker netop den ilende klarhed, der siden skulle blive så rendyrket hos Schönberg".


d. 21. feb. 2006



John Christiansen

d. 21. feb. 2006

"En lækkerbidsken, som sorbet kan være ... Verklärte Nacht i en af de mest stemningsrige udførelser, som findes. Meget anbefalelsesværdig".

BBC music magazine

2013 August



Michael Tanner (musikanmelder)

2013 August

"The individual strands of the chamber version make the music even more claustrophobic than it need be, so that by the end of the half-hour the feeling that you are in the sauna is overwhelming. This team makes sure that you share their efforts to the full".

BBC music magazine

2019 September



Erik Levi

2019 September

"The concluding bars of the Honegger ... sound particularly thrilling in this performance which packs a mighty punch in the earlier disorientating and frenzied energy of the Finale. Leducq-Barôme and the Baltic Chamber Orchestra are also impressive in the more reflective moments of the Symphony".

BBC music magazine

2006 March



Misha Donat

2006 March

"Greissle's arrangement [opus 24] ... actually works better than does the similarly-scored arrangement of Verklärte Nacht ... Webern's complete music for solo piano is very well played by Roland Pöntinen ... A fascinating and rewarding disc".

BBC music magazine

2006 May



Erik Levi

2006 May

"This arrangement, made by the Artemis Quartet's violinist Heime Müller, works wonderfully well ... There's little doubt that the Artemis's interpretation must be regarded as one of the most compelling".


d. 22. okt. 2001


d. 22. okt. 2001


d. 11. dec. 2001


d. 11. dec. 2001

The gramophone

2013 November



Arnold Whittall

2013 November

"I don't recall having these works on the same disc before; together they reinforce the extraordinary confidence and spped with which Schoenberg had advanced from his ultra-conventional beginnings just a few years before ... Fred Sherry and his team relish the forwardlooking qualities even more than the lingering over what would soon be impossible".

The gramophone

2013 August



Caroline Gill

2013 August

"They play with a control that brings real dramatic immediacy to the pieces ... All the players converse with a single voice - the herding calls of the third movement [of the Schubert], for instance, have their own distinct colour simply by virtue of the other-worldly accuracy of their tuning".

The gramophone

2019 August



Andrew Mellor

2019 August

"Tempo choices and pacing are key for a score [the Honegger] in which broad themes and looping chants are often laid over faster, more mechanical material ... No problems there, and Emmanuel Leducq-Barôme finds a special atmosphere in the slow middle movement".