Musik / rock

World on fire


Summary: On his third solo album, Slash once again teams up with his band the Conspirators and Alter Bridge vocalist Myles Kennedy. Among the seventeen songs here is the title track, which is also the first single.

Anmeldelser (2)

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d. 6. okt. 2014



Keld Rud

d. 6. okt. 2014

"Der er mindst en håndfuld virkelig overbevisende sange på World on Fire. Men der er også en del, der blot er acceptabelt fyld. Og hvor man blot bliver bekræftet i, at Slash kunne lave den slags numre bevidstløs og med hænderne bundet på ryggen. Jeg giver fortsat Slash tommelfingeren opad, for det er meget at være begejstret over på trods af et vist rutinepræg sine steder".





Stephen Thomas Erlewine


"Slash, naturally, stands out and his solos are nearly as pleasurable as his riffs, the Conspirators hit their marks with aplomb, as does Myles Kennedy, who never gets in the way of songs, not even ones he's written. As this train barrels on, there's the sense that the record never really started and will never really end, but such full-throttle indulgence may indeed be what some fans want, for there is a whole lot of bang for this buck".