Musik / operafilm

Lucio Silla

Anmeldelser (12)

MusicWeb international

2018 August



Stuart Sillitoe

2018 August

"This production is littered with some very fine singing, with Kurt Streit being a wonderful Silla, from his first entry into the action ... Patricia Petibon ... in the role of Giunia ... is a singer I admire and she is called upon not only to be a great actor but to also sing with great vocal dexterity ... The rest of the participants also offer wonderful performances ... The playing of the Orchestra of the Teatro Real de Madrid is superb ... I just wish that one day someone would produce a performance of an opera which is placed in the correct historical context".

MusicWeb international

2018 August



Robert J. Farr

2018 August

"This production, by Claus Guth, was premiered in Vienna in 2005 ... Updated to more modern times, the set bearing no physical resemblance to Rome and the modern dress was matched by the presence of pistols and a rifle when knives are referred to. Big and chunky, the set used the revolving stage to good effect ... Despite its fraught origins, some of the most dramatic singing and interpretation come from the singing of Kurt Streit as Lucio Silla. He is past his best years as a mellifluous Mozartian, but does infuse emotion and drama in what he sings. In this latter respect he is matched by the raven-haired Patricia Petibon for whom he has a passionate love. She acts with conviction though not always matched by her opera seria coloratura singing ... This performance has many virtues. The slow evolution of the story and its stylised music will disappoint those more enthusiastic about the composer's da Ponte operas or Magic Flute".

Berlingske tidende

d. 5. dec. 2006



Søren Kassebeer

d. 5. dec. 2006

"Lucio Silla bliver man glad for, for Jürgen Flimm har skabt en højdramatisk forestilling, hvor fyrsten - stik imod forlægget - dolkes ihjel, mens folket hylder ham. Dermed dekonstrueres operaens eget budskab om, at tyrannen er god nok på bunden, og det er både flot, frækt og foruroligende gjort".


d. 4. jan. 2008



Peter Johannes Erichsen

d. 4. jan. 2008

"Flimm råder over ret så karismatiske sangere, som er finmekanisk iscenesatte. Annick Massis som en tranceagtig Giunia, Monica Bacelli som en dyster Cecilio og Julia Kleiter som en anæmisk Celia ... Tenoren Roberto Saccá som Silla ligner Tony Curtis i en fuldblods psykopatrolle, og ikke mindre manisk sørger sopranen Veronica Cangemi for at skabe en afsindigt intrigerende Cinna".


d. 15. dec. 2006



John Christiansen

d. 15. dec. 2006

"Her er meget nytænkt og vidunderlig musik".


2018 octobre



Jean-Philippe Grosperrin

2018 octobre


2018, nr. 51



Steen Chr. Steensen

2018, nr. 51

"Hvad der på papiret virker som en mission impossible bliver i virkeligheden en mission accomplished i hænderne på tysk operascenes store supertænker, Claus Guth ... Det lykkes her i Teatro Real i Madrid - kodeordet er 'vanvid' ... I sopranen Patricia Petibons skikkelse er Giunia mindst lige så martret som Silla, rystende og ildrødhåret fortæret af had ... Patricia Petibon har styrken til ... at synge sig ud over kanten ... Af samme kaliber er tenoern Kurt Streit som Lucio Silla. Stilfuld behersket i sin sangteknik og samtidig totalt eksponeret som en jaget vild ... Og der er endnu mere overskud at hente i Ivor Boltons på én gang stilsikre og udfordrende direktion".

BBC music magazine

2018 October



Christopher Cook (musikanmelder)

2018 October

"Opera choice: Streit is good at acting the tyrant, a blend of arbitrary power and remorse ... but under pressure his tone things out. Silvia Tro Santafé is a dependable Cecilio. But the vocal laurels, and the principal reason for recommending this recording, belong to Patricia Petibon who tears into Giunia's arias as if her life really depended on it. Her Act II aria 'Ah se il crudel periglio' is a tour de force".


2018, nr. 48



Mikael Garnæs

2018, nr. 48

"Operaen om den romerske tyran Lucio Silla, der ender med at vise sig mild og god, kan sagtens opleves som vedkommende teater i dag ... Forestillingen spiller i flotte og pompøse dekorationer med romerske søjler, antikke templer, aftenhimmel med skyggefulde cypresser og så videre ... I orkestergraven regerer Marc Minkowski, der får en fin Mozart-klang ud af La Scala-orkestret. Koret klinger flot og talstærkt ... Det er en opera, der stiller store krav til sangerne ... og ingen falder igennem ... Tenoren Kasimir Spicer er en især skuespilmæssigt karismatisk Silla".

The gramophone

2007 March



David Vickers

2007 March

"Excellent performance but one which is uncomfortably arrogant about suppressing the concepts of noble vitue and forgiveness which stand at the core of Mozart's opratic world ... The orchestra and chorus of La Fenice are a little flabby at times but superb singing Veronica Cangemi, Annick Massis and Julia Kleiter makes one appreciate the level of musical maturity and penetrating dramatic thrust in so many of the 16-year-old Mozart's arias".

The gramophone

2018 August



Hugo Shirley

2018 August

"Editor's choice: It's a fascinating and demanding production, for the viewer as well as, clearly, the performers. In the title-role, Kurt Streit, a distinguished Mozartian who's turned in recent years to heavier roles, is compelling, the voice's sweetness now mixed with an extra stern virility ... Anyone interested in the drama of this early Mozart opera seria should seek out Guth's fascinating staging".

The gramophone

2018 March



Hugo Shirley

2018 March

"Here's a director who makes no apology for the work ... [Pynkoski] creates his own aesthetic of artful, flowing theatricality, which is underlined effectively by Antoine Fontaine's designs ... Špicer sings mellifluously even if his tone is short of sweetness and focus ... Crebassa makes a fantastic Cecilio, handsome and beautifully sung ... Mark Minkowski conducts the La Scala orchestra with plenty of verve ... For an effective video version of this opera, this can be recommended.