Musik / klaver solo

Piano sonatas I


Summary: This disc includes Schubert's great last Piano Sonata, the four popular Impromptus, and the short piece Standchen, arranged by Franz Liszt.

Anmeldelser (32)

Classics today




Jed Distler


" Fortunately, Vogt gets out of his own way and makes memorable experiences out of the first two D. 946 Klavierstücke, although his emphatic sectional ritards and contrived left-hand chord voicings miss the point of the final piece's sly rhythmic displacements. In all, a well-recorded, hit and miss release".

Klassik heute

d. 30. mar. 2018



Rainer W. Janka

d. 30. mar. 2018

"Im Kopfsatz der B-Dur-Sonate D 960 ... Lavrynenkos Ton ist wuchtig-hart ... alles klingt zwielichtig-abgründig, die Passagen der Rechten, die sich nach oben schwingen, sind manchmal fast verzweifelt leuchtend schön ... Schmerzverklärt ist auch das Andante in cis-Moll ... Die Drei Klavierstücke D 946 spielt Lavrynenko hart entschlossen, dann rühren wieder die verzweifelt-sehnsuchtsvollen Passagen ... Den 1. Preis des 13. Internationalen Schubert-Wettbewerbs in Dortmund 2016 hat Volodymyr Lavrynenko sich zu Recht erspielt".

The guardian

d. 13. apr. 2017



Kate Molleson

d. 13. apr. 2017

"With Perianes, the touch is always warm and the edges are never harsh: the hymn-like opening is whispered and tender, the exploratory passages are wide-eyed and the song-like melodies really sing. He doesn't get the glimpses of rage and terror that some performers do, but instead gives us sensitivity and unguarded rapture ... It's generous playing".

MusicWeb international

2019 May



Simon Thompson (musikanmelder)

2019 May

"This disc drove me nuts, and not with excitement: with frustration, bafflement and, at one critical juncture, catatonic boredom. This is Schubert of extremes. Nothing wrong with that, of course; it's a valid artistic approach, and Khatia Buniatishvili's fans will say that that's what this artist naturally brings. However, I found her approach to Schubert's great final sonata infuriating; an unsatisfying hotchpotch of muddle without anything lasting to say ... It's such a shame and, to me, feels like a waste. Buniatishvili's talents are remarkable: her touch is beautifully delicate, and she clearly has the capacity to think deeply about what she's playing".

d. 12. apr. 2019



Chantal Nastasi

d. 12. apr. 2019

"Auf ihrer neuen CD mit Werken von Franz Schubert zeigt sich Khatia Buniatishvili zwar auch virtuos, aber vor allem als Klangpoetin mit einer bemerkenswerten Innenschau ... Khatia Buniatishvili wählt überraschend langsame Tempi, doch die Zeit, die sie sich nimmt, füllt sie mit maximaler Intensität ... Auch die Impromptus Op. 90 sind von grossen Kontrasten geprägt ... Nachdenklich und getragen endet Khatia Buniatishvili mit Schuberts "Ständchen" in der Liedbearbeitung für Klavier solo ... Eine Schubert-Aufnahme von höchster Intensität".


d. 24. juli 2013



John Christiansen

d. 24. juli 2013

"Nu har Nina Kavtaradze, Erling Blöndal Bengtssons svigerdatter, indspillet B-dur sonaten og to impromptus ... Den overmåde vægtige førstesats og den følgende melankolske andante fortælles, som stor musik kan fortælles ... Nina Kavtaradze har nemlig noget af sit fødelands temperament, men det må tilføjes, at hun behersker og kontrollerer det totalt gennemført, og det giver en uimodståelig spænding i hendes Schubert-spil".

MusicWeb international

2018 June



Robert Beattie

2018 June

"Recording of the month: He brings all the ingredients of great Schubert playing to this [Sonata] ... including supreme lyricism, expressive phrasing and a wide and finely calibrated range of dynamics. The mood is one of sublime sweetness and serenity ... And for these impromptus he maintains the exceptionally high standard he brings to the Sonata in B Flat ... There are outstanding recordings of these works by artists such as Schnabel, Lupu, Brendel, Curzon and Richter. This recording by Hamelin is exceptional and it deserves to be placed in the pantheon of great Schubert recordings alongside these artists".


d. 6. okt. 2020



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 6. okt. 2020

"Det er Youns første album i en række, der skal nå igennem alle [Schuberts] 20 sonater. Melankolien og den sarte poesi kommer først og fremmest af Youns bløde anslag. Han er en nænsom musiker - musikken bliver aldrig forceret eller overstyret. Selv i de passager, hvor Schubert rent faktisk har skrevet nogle ret dramatiske forløb, mærker man et fløjlsblødt lydbillede. Det hele vender indad med længsel og eftertænksomhed".


d. 9. nov. 2005



Knud Ketting

d. 9. nov. 2005

Fono Forum

2020 November



Ingo Harden

2020 November

"Jetzt hat William Youn ... einer Gesamteinspielung der Klaviersonaten von Schubert begonnen. Und gleich das erste Doppelalbum verdient volle Anerkennung. Allein schon wegen seines Programms ... bietet je ein charakteristisches Beispiel für die verschiedenen kompositorischen Entwicklundsstadien Schubert. Und das Spiel ... ist von exquisiter Schönheit und Schlichtheit ... Dabei erweitert Youn das interpretatorische Spektrum der Schubert-Sonaten um inene ganz eigenen, intimen Ton ... Youns Spiel packt weniger durch Grösse oder Tiefe als durch makellose, perfekt realisierte 'Natürlichkeit' der Diktion: ein wichtiger Neuzugang".

BBC music magazine

2020 December



Michael Beek

2020 December

"In the first of a complete recorded cycle of Schubert sonatas, Youn's lightness of touch is matched by weighty emotional depths, deep understanding and keyboard poetry".


2019 mai



Bertrand Boissard

2019 mai

BBC music magazine

2019 June



David Nice

2019 June

"A hypersensitive response to the femininity in Schubert. Buniatishvili is fine-tuned to the mortality that overshadows these late masterpieces, and registers what she calls 'the art of patience' in mindful meditations. Are some of them too slow? ... For me it worked, just, because the tonal refinement is so spellbinding and the music is the most profound in its grief and, finally, its spirit-lightening, that there is".

Fono Forum

2019 Juli



Ingo Harden

2019 Juli

"Man darf das Cover von Khatia Buniatishvilis Schubert-CD sentimental, kitschig oder auch geschmacklos finden - aber es bereitet treffend auf ihre Darstellung der grossen B-Dur-Sonate vor. Denn sie wird von ihr wie eine träumerische Erinnerung and eine versunkene Welt vorgeführt. Es dominiert ein weicher, fliessender, rhythmisch flexibler Schönklang, der keinerlei Härten kennt und sich im Piano oft bis an die Grenzen der Hörbarkeit wagt ... Die CD hält eine künstlerische herausragend eigenständige "Fünfer"-Leistung fest".

Fono Forum

2008 Juli



Frank Siebert

2008 Juli

"Die zarte, schlichte Kantilene des zweiten Stücks in ein zwischen Trost und Trauer changierendes Sfumato tauchen zu könnnen ist eine Kunst, die nur einem genuinen Schubert-Interpreten gegeben ist".

Fono Forum

2018 August



Frank Siebert

2018 August

"Jetzt setzt sich der geniale Alkan- und Busoni-Interpret mit Schubert-Werken einer enormen Konkurrenz an erstklassigen Einspielungen aus, mit ins Blass-Ätherische, ja fast Jenseitige gerückten Deutungen".

BBC music magazine

2018 June



Erik Levi

2018 June

"His playing is stunningly beautiful with some wonderful varied timbres, particularly when the music modulates to distant keys [in the B flat Sonata] ... There are brilliant moments, too, in Hamelin's performance of the D935 Impromptus. I was particularly bowled over by the variety of sound and character that he extracts from the Rosamunde Variations, and he brings tremendous exhilaration and energy to the final Hungarian-style Impromptu".

BBC music magazine

2014 May



Misha Donat

2014 May

"So while the two Liszt transcriptions of Schubert songs Douglas includes are stylistically incongrous, their presence lends added interest to a largely succesful recital".


2017, nr. 47



Jens Cornelius

2017, nr. 47

"Schuberts intime musik [spilles] med en sjælden grad af indadvendt beherskelse. To meget forskellige sonater er sat sammen. Den lyse og milde, men alligevel melankolske A-dur sonate (D664) fra 1818 spiller fantastisk fint og yndigt, dansende og med underfundigt vid ... B-dur sonaten D960 ... og en af 1800-tallets betydeligste overhovedet ... smukt proportioneret med Perianes lette klang og meget præcise vægtning af stemmerne ... Perianes er ingen stormende romantiker, men lysende klassisk, og hans diskretion er så elegant, at den er virkelig spændende".

BBC music magazine

2017 July



Geoff Brown (musikanmelder)

2017 July

"Instrumental choice: You know you're in safe hands the moment Perianes and his Steinway strike the first notes of the haunting and masterly Sonata in B flat, D960 ... Wherever Schubert's inspiration goes, Perianes follows with an enviably mix of ease and aplomb ... [He] shows consummate skill dappling the tapestry with clouds, constantly shifting moods with a sureness of touch and attack".

The gramophone

2020 Awards



Harriet Smith

2020 Awards

"Here he launches a complete sonata cycle, beginning at the end, with D960 ... With Youn, you're in safe hands and points ... are marked by a quiet conviction that is most involving ... Youn is very much at home in the incomplete early E major Sonata, D157, launching into its opening bars with a ringing sense of confidence before bringing out its playfulness ... The dramatic development section Youn imbues with plenty of fire, while the aria-like second movement is full of pathos ... Also very striking is the Menuet, in which Youn combines a muscular energy with a sense of dance at a madcap tempo".

The gramophone

2019 June



Harriet Smith

2019 June

"It's a reading of extremes that will either beguile or frustrate ... There's no doubting Buniatishvili's considerable pianistic powers, nor her abundant imagination, but overall this seems a disc that promotes her rather than Schubert's sublime music".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 39, nr. 3 (2006)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 39, nr. 3 (2006)


d. 9. juli 2004


d. 9. juli 2004

The gramophone

2018 June



Patrick Rucker

2018 June

"Editor's choice: This is spacious Schubert, secure, august and unrushed ... It may be in the Sonata's Andante that the originality of Hamelin's reading becomes fully evident. With perfect poise, exquisite voice-leading lends the opening theme a chaste, heroic, noble character ... Hamelin's thoughtful originality, supported by his fully realised execution and sincerity of purpose, makes his contribution a worthy complement [to your favourite Schubert]. Very highly recommended".

The gramophone

2014 May



Nalen Anthoni

2014 May

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Douglas stands alongside the most distinguished in both works, the smaller pieces accorded similar care. An excellent disc".

Fono Forum

2018 Juli



Matthias Kornemann

2018 Juli

"Nichts anheimelnd-wienerisches mildert seinen ungefälligen Blick in eine eisige, nur selten tröstlich ausgeleuchtete Spätwelt".

The gramophone

2017 June



Harriet Smith

2017 June

"Perianes is fundamentally an elegant pianist, one who lets the music speak for itself ... Here he programmes two utterly opposing sonatas, the compact and songful D664 with the mighty B flat D960. Both works are charactized by fine pacing ... with a genial account of the first movement of the A major Sonata that doesn't lack for firepower in its dramatic outburst ... That said, Perianes is an artist with a true lyrical gift".