Music / operafilm

Ariane et Barbe-bleue

Reviews (5)


2013 mars



Fraņcois Laurent

2013 mars

BBC music magazine

2013 November



Christopher Dingle

2013 November

"This [scenario] is all the more frustrating as it is musically very good indeed. Jeanne-Michèle Charbonnet copes well with the extreme demands of Ariane, while Patricia Bardon is excellent as the nurse and it is wonderful to have Jose van Dam for Barbe-Bleu's handful of lines. Most of all, Stéphane Denève's pacing and handling of orchestral texture are spot-on. One to hear with the screen off".


2013, nr. 29



Steen Chr. Steensen

2013, nr. 29

"Den tyske instruktør Claus Guth har tilsyneladende ladet sig inspirere af nutidige forbrydelser, hvor kvinder har været holdt fangne i årevis a la Natascha Kampusch ... I den dominerende rolle som Ariane synger den franske sopran Jeanne-Michel Charbonnet ekspressivt og stort ... Det spanske orkester i Liceu-operaen er suverænt under Stéphane Denève og viser de mange kvaliteter i Dukas' musik fra det drømmende til det voldsomt ekspressive".

The gramophone

2013 April



Andrew Lamb

2013 April

"Charbonnet offers limited variety of tone, but she stands up remarkably well to the role's non-stop demands. As her nurse, Patricia Bardon is admirable in a role she has rather made her own on stage and CD ... Dukas's opera deserves to be heard".

International record review

2013 April



Peter J. Rabinowitz

2013 April

"I can't imagine anyone who knows the score not wanting a chance to see it as well as hear it - so especially given the excellence in the pit, this new version, despite its flaws, is strongly recommended as well".

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