Musik / klaver solo

Sonate en si mineur

Anmeldelser (55)

Classics today




Jed Distler


"Goerner's tempo relationships remain judicious and unified, while themes are characterized with subtle yet telling contrast ... Goerner nails the notes, of course, yet presents both hands as equal partners, letting you hear a piano composition instead of a piano competition. I have no hesitation recommending such a satisfying and well-rounded Liszt program".

Classics today




Jed Distler


"Here's another remarkable young Liszt player for your consideration ... His newly recorded interpretation retains the earlier reading's extraordinary speed and lightness ... but with more color, carefully scaled dynamics, and stronger characterization all around. La Campanella is similarly fleet, flexible, and absolutely effortless here ... Even in a catalog that abounds with many superb recent Liszt sonata recordings, Grynyuk's ranks among the most persuasive I've heard ... A most impressive Liszt debut, not to be missed".

Classics today




Jed Distler


"Haiou Zhang plays Liszt with sympathy, affection, and technique to burn ... All in all, there's no denying Haiou Zhang's Lisztian potential, and if you can deal with Hänssler's slightly boomy sonics ... you'll certainly enjoy the best of what this young Chinese pianist has to offer here".

MusicWeb international

2006 May



Paul Shoemaker

2006 May

"Truly exceptional performances and recordings, perhaps the best of these works ever made".


d. 19. juli 2016



John Christiansen

d. 19. juli 2016

"Jeg er fascineret af hans cd med klavermusik af Franz Liszt. Hovedværket er den godt en halv time "korte" h-mol sonate ... Gryesten spiller dette musikalske drama med en usædvanlig fin fornemmelse for balancen i temarigdommen. Musikken fortæller historier ... Gryesten spiller Isoldens Liebestod inderligt og frit åndende, så man nærmest fornemmer hele operaen bag. Det er en af de fineste tolkninger af Wagners og Liszts godt syv minutter musik af de mange, som jeg har hørt på plade ... Et godt bud på årets bedste solo-indspilning".

Presto classical

d. 1. mar. 2021



Katherine Cooper

d. 1. mar. 2021

"Editor's choice - February 2021: The sheer vaulting athleticism with which Grosvenor tackles the opening of the mighty Sonata certainly stops you in your tracks, but it's soul rather than muscle which is the defining characteristic of this breathtakingly beautiful Liszt recital from the young British pianist. The three Petrarch sonnets, Berceuse and Ave Maria really sing, and he's fully alive to the drama of the Réminiscences de Norma - the Druids' battle-cries could scarcely sound more electrifying in the opera-house than they do here".

MusicWeb international

2021 March



Ian Julier

2021 March

"Recommended: In all these works, Grosvenor consolidates his Lisztian empathy with insight and integrity whatever the idiom, and always at the service of the composer. The poetry of the Petrarch Sonnets is both ardent and sensitive ... The transcription of Schubert's Ave Maria is beautifully voiced with what sounds like a sleight of three hands, supreme with no hint of saccharine, and all captured in sound of sovereign clarity to match that of the pianist".

Berlingske tidende

d. 3. okt. 2006



Søren H. Schauser

d. 3. okt. 2006

"Russerens bud lyder som en mellemting mellem stumfilmmusik og en gammeldags klaverrulle. Men det gør den sonate næsten altid. Og faktisk stiller Marshev med masser af klarhed og musikalitet".


d. 17. okt. 2006



John Christiansen

d. 17. okt. 2006

"Hans nye Liszt-soloplade er en bedrift. Den store h-mol sonate, et hovedværk i klaverlitteraturen, får en kolossal opbygning med et godt virtuost spil, som heldigvis ikke bliver hovedsagen".


d. 16. feb. 2015



Jens Povlsen

d. 16. feb. 2015

" Nærstuderingen af Liszt er vidunderlig fri for tunnelsyn, og kombineret med et teknisk overskud af de helt store får Hewitt sparket døren ind til musikken. Det slår ikke gnister hele vejen igennem, men i "Après une lecture de Dante" markerer Hewitt til sidst sit store format en ekstra gang".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 20. apr. 2016



Peter Dürrfeld

d. 20. apr. 2016

"Hvis man har haft svært ved at komme ind under huden på Franz Liszt og hans virtuost-romantiske klavermusik, er der god hjælp af hente i en ny udgivelse, hvor den danske pianist Emil Gryesten, årgang 1985 ... spiller overbevisende og får den halve time lange sonate foldet klart ud. Der er efterfølgende flere bonusser ... Gryestens udgivelse et kærkomment tilskud i min samling, også fordi han i den medfølgende booklet selv giver en detaljeret og sober indføring i den musik, han spiller så brillant".


d. 11. apr. 2016



Thomas Michelsen

d. 11. apr. 2016

"Danske Emil Gryesten har spillet koncerter, siden han var 15, og debuterede i november fra konservatoriet i Aarhus ... Hans nye album fokuserer på Liszt, og det er overblikspræget og kontrolleret, hvad han præsterer i den halvtimelange sonate. Spektret fra lyrik til eksplosivitet forvaltes overbevisende ... og med Liszts arrangement af Isoldes Liebestod og en brillant La Campanella som afslutning er fire store hjerter fuldt fortjent".


d. 23. maj 2018



Henrik Friis (f. 1978)

d. 23. maj 2018

"Canadiske Lucille Chungs Liszt-udgivelse er fantastisk interessant. Den er bygget specielt op med 9 korte stykker skrevet af Liszt til allersidst i livet - og slutter med 2 lange stykker fra midten af karrieren ... Chung spiller det hele med et præcist tørt anslag i en mørk poetisk tone, der overrumpler ... Det overraskende ved albummet er, hvor varieret hun kan præsentere Liszts sene særheder ... Og med alt det sjældne som ballast i hukommelsen får man så lov at opleve Chung fortolke de kendte romantiske stykker i et nyt lys".

Kristeligt dagblad

d. 25. maj 2011



Jakob Holm

d. 25. maj 2011

"Marc-André Hamelin ... overbeviser atter om sin suveræne tekniske mesterklasse på denne udgivelse. Det fængslende ved hans spil er, at han aldrig bruger sin overmenneskelige teknik til rent blær, men altid leverer varen på musikkens egne præmisser og leverer øreåbnende fortolkninger, der afslører nyt og lader selv velkendte værker fremstå, som hørte man dem for første gang ... En uundværlig udgivelse for elskere af klavermusik".

BBC music magazine

2006 November



Tim Parry

2006 November

"Vurdering: BBC music choice" - "Lazaridis gives a aupremely authiritative reading of the B minor Sonata, which is not only intensely committed but also deeply omaginative ... Lazaridis is equally commanding in the Paganini Studies ... Warmly recommended".


2015, nr. 37



Jens Cornelius

2015, nr. 37

"Liszts store Klaversonate i h-mol er et skelsættende værk ... Den halsbrækkende opgave kræver totalt pianistisk overskud, og det har den virtuose Angela Hewitt naturligvis. Jeg synes bare ikke, hun er den mest oplagte musiker til opgaven ... På denne indspilning er det følelsesmæssige og dynamiske spænd simpelthen for normalt. Gang på gang savner man bid ... Bedre går det med de indadvendte Petrarca-Sonetter, tre poetiske satser, hvis lyriske stil er vand på Angela Hewitts mølle".

Fono Forum

2015 Mai



Ingo Harden

2015 Mai

"Vurdering: Tipp" - "Bewunderswerte Interpretationsleistung".

BBC music magazine

2018 May



Freya Parr

2018 May

"Alongside some more substantial works sit neat renditions of Liszt's miniatures. Sometimes Chung's interpretations feel too literal, but they are well-played".

Fono Forum

2020 Februar



Christoph Vratz

2020 Februar

"Joseph Moog lotet das Fantastische, den stellenweise improvisiert wirkenden Charakter der h-Moll-Sonate aus ohne jeden Hauch von Gewolltheit oder Übertreibung. Überzeugend ... Immer hat er die Dramaturgie der Werke im Blick, gerade seinen kurzen Pointierungen machen die Musik in all ihren Facetten transparent. Dies ist kein prahlerischer, sondern ein durch und durch musikalischer Liszt".


2019 décembre



Jean-Yves Clément

2019 décembre

BBC music magazine

2019 Christmas



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2019 Christmas

"Heaven and Hell are given their celestial and infernal dues through warm tone and rampant virtuosity, but through it all a voice is singing ... While Moog's technique is equal to all the music's demands, I was as much impressed by his quiet playing and the superb, I would even say 'heavenly' balance here of his chords ... Moog is one of the few pianists ... who realise the emotional value of ... the very nature of a fugue ... This tension between texture and volume produces far more excitement than any sheer noise can. The final 'Czardas obstinée' ... is terrific".

BBC music magazine

2016 September



Michael Church

2016 September

"Angelich's entry into the Liszt is cool and measured, with passagework of Chopinesque delicacy, and we wait a fill eight minutes before there's any hint of passion ... When he tackles Kreisleriana in the same way, you realise the limitations of this approach ... The first Chopin etude is silky, the second offers proof that Angelich can indeed do passion. It's just a pity that with the big works he chooses not to".


2016 juin



Jérôme Bastianelli

2016 juin

Fono Forum

2010 Dezember



Mario-Felix Vogt

2010 Dezember

"Denn hier ist Virtuosität niemals Selbstzweck, sonder häufig Ausdruck eines enfesselten Lebensgefühl ... Vogt spielt diese Stellen häufig wie mit angezogener Handbremse. Dies ist schade, da er anderseits die lyrischen Seitenthemen mit hoher Klangkultur zum Singen bringt".


2010, nr. 17



Esben Tange (f. 1961)

2010, nr. 17

"Jo større de pianistiske udfordringer er, desto bedre, så på mange måder er han den født Liszt-pianist ... Men i længden virker Boris Berezovskys klaverspil demonstrativt og instrumentelt ... I stedet for at dvæle ved de lyriske passager haster han videre til næste dramatiske højdepunkt. Det giver i de bedste øjeblikke en åndeløs effekt, der fører musikken fremad, men for ofte efterlader Berezovsky et forjaget eller koldt indtryk".

Fono Forum

2024 Juni



Ingo Harden

2024 Juni

BBC music magazine

2013 Christmas



Roger Nichols (musikanmelder)

2013 Christmas

"Two features are paramount in this marvellous recital: a feeling for form, and some of the most sheerly beautiful piano tone I've heard in a long while ... Add to this a supreme technical virtuosity, not least in Grynyuk's multiple shades of dynamics between p and ppp, and we find here an artist to rank with the very best".

BBC music magazine

2021 April



Malcolm Hayes

2021 April

"Grosvenor conjures a brand of full and rounded keyboard sonority different from that of many of his contemporaries, and recalls the giants of an earlier generation (Busoni, for instance, or Josef Lhévinne) ... [His] interpretations seem to take us close to the essence of the music itself, and to the legendary playing style it sprang from ... Gorgeous playing of the Ave Maria transcription rounds out a generously filled programme".

BBC music magazine

2011 August



Calum MacDonald

2011 August

"There's not a trace in this recital of Liszt's philosophical depth, but once you get beyind the self-regarding aspects of the exercise there's plenty to admire. Sony's sound is fantastic".


2011, nr. 35



Jörgen Lundmark

2011, nr. 35

"Vurdering: Opus rekommenderar" - "Man kan grovt sett indela tolkningar av Liszts revolutionerande h-mollsonat i två olika kategorier: ett virtuost och snabbfotat spelsätt eller mer episkt utsträckta tolkningar ... Med Hamelins nya inspelning har vi en version som på ett övertygande sätt rymmer båda uttrycken. De virtuosa avsnitten kan knappast spelas med större briljans, men här finns även en insikt om de långa linjerna och det intrikata harmoniska skeendet som ger tolkningen en närmast orkestral dimension".

Fono Forum

2011 Juli



Gregor Willmes

2011 Juli

"Hamelin leuchtet noch die hinterste Ecke dieser Sonate aus. Er findet jede thematsiche Verästelung, jedes Motiv, jede Mittelstimme, jeden Zusammenhang. Und doch wirkt hier gleichzeitig vieles spontaner als in seinen früheren Aufnahmen".


2011, nr. 22



Esben Tange (f. 1961)

2011, nr. 22

"Vil man kun eje én cd med klavermusik af Liszt, kunne det passende være denne ... for her bliver man overmåde godt introduceret til en række vigtige sider af Liszts klavermusik ... Der er kort sagt tale om musik, der tør gribe i både storladne og patetiske følelser, og i Marc-André Hameling har denne musik en fortolker, som er i stand til at tage denne musik for pålydende".

The gramophone

2006 July



Jeremy Nicholas

2006 July

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Here is Liszt playing of rare passion and musical integrity. There is no tip-toeing round the great B minor Sonata, no imposition of self-conscious effects or losing the thread through over-interpretation ... In addition, Groh produces a lovely sound throughout the dynamic range - even when he is rattling the lowest bass strings in the B-A-C-H Fantasia".

Berlingske tidende

d. 17. feb. 2004


d. 17. feb. 2004

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 40, nr. 2 (2007)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 40, nr. 2 (2007)

"Liszts H-mol sonate er den største af alle romantiske klaversonater, den væsentligste efter Beethovens 32 sonater, et uudgrundeligt mesterværk. Her kommer to nye indspilninger, begge så fremragende, at det er umuligt at vælge. Oleg Marshev gør det så godt, at man tror, det ikke kan gøres meget bedre - eller blot lige så godt - af andre. Meng George-Emmanuel Lazaridis er lige så god, omend på en lidt anden måde. Da én fortolkning af dette dybsindige værk aldrig kan være nok, må man derfor have dem begge".

The gramophone

2006 October



Bryce Morrison

2006 October

"Vurdering: G (Gramophone recommends)" - "His performance of the B minor Sonata, one of the great milestones of keyboard literature, is of such drama, power and concentration that it holds its own even when you stop to consider tirelessly celebrated recordings by Horowitz (his early 1932 version), Argerich, Brendel and Zimerman ... This is hardly the playing of a novice or a performance of mere potential; it is already one of formidable eloquence and achievement".

The gramophone

2006 December



Bryce Morrison

2006 December

"Vurdering: G (Gramophone recommends)" - "Offers a richly comprehensive programme ... much of their success on disc is due to Marshev, who meets every outsize demand with an unflagging and awe-inspiring brio ... his coupling, even when less ideally recorded, is a must for all avid Lisztians".

High fidelity (Kbh.)

Årg. 40, nr. 2 (2007)



Mogens Wenzel Andreasen

Årg. 40, nr. 2 (2007)

"Liszts H-mol sonate er den største af alle romantiske klaversonater, den væsentligste efter Beethovens 32 sonater, et uudgrundeligt mesterværk. Her kommer to nye indspilninger, begge så fremragende, at det er umuligt at vælge. Oleg Marshev gør det så godt, at man tror, det ikke kan gøres meget bedre - eller blot lige så godt - af andre. Meng George-Emmanuel Lazaridis er lige så god, omend på en lidt anden måde. Da én fortolkning af dette dybsindige værk aldrig kan være nok, må man derfor have dem begge".

The gramophone

2015 March



Bryce Morrison

2015 March

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "What enviable poise and expressive beauty to launch the central Andante ... Hewitt holds her own to such an extent that she makes you forget all about odious comparisons and listen instead to one of the great milestones in all music ... This is possibly the very finest of Angela Hewitt's many recordings".

BBC music magazine

2015 April



Malcolm Hayes

2015 April

"Hewitt allows [the Sonata's] huge single-movement span to unfold with a sense of space and a purposeful clarity - qualities akin to the manner of Beethoven's late sonatas ... Hewitt, a hugely experienced Bach-performer, delivers [the Allegro] at an unexaggerated pace, and with a precisely articulated vividness that works superbly".

The gramophone

2018 June



Patrick Rucker

2018 June

"Given the more than 200 recording of the B minor Sonata currently available, it's difficult to make an individual statement in the piece without veering into the realms of self-indulgent eccentricity. Yet Chung manages to do it, and with the sort of go-for-broke playing that one rarely encounters these days. Her sound is particularly impressive, along with a shapely and expressive singing line, as well as plenty of speed and power when called for".

The gramophone

2019 December



Patrick Rucker

2019 December

"Moog has one of those techniques that most pianists only dream about. His passagework fairly shimmers with prodigious effortlessness and his octaves are nothing short of dazzling. His fortissimo is mighty, his pianissimo hushed yet resonant. On a purely technical level, Moog's interpretation of Liszt's B minor Sonata is bound to amaze ... However, for elucidation of the Sonata's deeper musical value, it's probably best to look elsewhere".

The gramophone

2016 July



Patrick Rucker

2016 July

"Vurdering: Recording of the month - Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Angelich's new release ... reveals him at a new level of artistic accomplishment ... This [Kreisleriana] is a reading that stands comparison with the most thoughtful and imaginative ... Angelich's magisterial virtuosity is uniquely contemporary, even as his imaginative grasp easily encompasses a persuasive vision of the 19th-century ethos".

The gramophone

2010 November



Jeremy Nicholas

2010 November

"Vurdering: G (Gramophone recommends)" - "Two peaks of the Romantic repertoire played with instinctive magnificence ... Well recorded, by the way, with a stimulating booklet".

The gramophone

2010 May



Jeremy Nicholas

2010 May

"Vurdering: Editor's choice" - "Outstanding performance ... Liszt's one-act drama is gripping from beginning to end in this muscular, unsentimental reading ... We are hearing a truly great pianist at the top of his game".

The gramophone

2024 June



Jeremy Nicholas

2024 June

"The centrepiece is the great B minor Sonata. This is an assured, confident reading that it would be easy to dismiss as 'just another B minor', but listen to the careful way in which Goerner balances the voices in the first section, his judicious pacing and the varied dynamic gradings he gives to the big tune, and you can put this up among the best of recent versions".

The gramophone

2013 August



Bryce Morrison

2013 August

"A programme of familiar Liszt made thrillingly unfamiliar. Expert Liszt Sonatas may be thick on the ground but few are more richly inclusive than this latest offering ... In the First Mephisto Waltz, Grynyuk's nonchalant, fine-spun brilliance somehow captures the music's diablerie to a greater extent than a more overt sense of its darkness ... Grynyuk takes his place among the finest and he is fully complemented by Orchid Classics' sound".

The gramophone

2021 March



Jed Distler

2021 March

"Editor's choice: An ideal Liszt Sonata performance requires transcendental virtuosity, prodigious colouristic resources, a sense of drama and narrative flow and a gift for fusing both architecture and passion. Benjamin Grosvenor's interpretation embodies these qualities and then some ... One may miss Arrau's golden-toned largesse or the gaunter classicism of Fleisher, Curzon and Brendel, yet Grosvenor's Liszt Sonata clearly belongs in such company".

High fidelity

2003 5


2003 5

The gramophone

2011 September



Jed Distler

2011 September

"Buniatishvili is at her best in the Bach A minor BWV 543 Prelude and Fugue transcriptions, where her playing becomes far more poised and controlled, without sacrifying one iota of imagination".

Berlingske tidende

d. 9. juni 1999


d. 9. juni 1999

The gramophone

2011 April



Bryce Morrison

2011 April

"He creates a visionary masterpiece and a landmark in the history of music with exceptional grandeur and lucidity ... Haiou Zhang is a most serious artist, his often haunting introspection emphasised on his well-recorded soft-grained Bechstein instrument".

International record review

2011 April



Nicholas Salwey

2011 April

"While I may have slight personal reservations about Hamelin's Liszt Sonata, this is nevertheless a very formidable release, which I can wholeheartedly recommend".

BBC music magazine

2011 May



Malcolm Hayes

2011 May

"Under Hamelin's astonishing fingers, the work's progress unfolds with a fusion of spontaneity and seeming inevitability that enthralls both mind and ear as a great masterpiece should".